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Personal Top 5 in order:

1. Metal Slug 3
2. Metal Slug X
3. Garou Mark of the Wolves <- Only cart I'm missing on this list BTW, but I'm not paying 350$.
4. Samurai Shodown 2
5. Bust-a-Move Again (Puzzle Bobble 2)

Honorable mentions:

Metal Slug
Blazing Star
Samurai Shodown 5 Special
Twinkle Star Sprites
Shock Troopers
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1 kof 98
2 samurai shodown 4
3 Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
4 metal slug
5 last blade 2
Magical Drop 3
Metal Slug 3
Puzzle Bobble
Flip Shot

and other good games (no order):
Metal Slug
Metal Slug X
Top Hunter
Pochi and Nyaa
Sengoku 3
League Bowling (link mode!)
Baseball Stars 2
Money Puzzle Exchanger
Magical Drop 2
Puzzle Bobble 2
Super Dodge Ball
Blazing Star
Twinkle star sprites
Shock Troopers 2
Garou MotW
Last Blade 2
Samurai Shodwon IV

Er... I will say too much games :D
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In no particular order:

Metal Slug 3
Waku Waku 7
Puzzle Bobble
Neo Turf Masters
Being 35 I'm a sucker for old school Neo... So my 5 are mostly from the 90-95 era

1. Fatal Fury Special (best fighting game soundtrack and stages of all times)
2. Art of Fighting 2 (style over gameplay, I know... but it's so damn badass you have to love it anyway)
3. Super Sidekicks 3 (football game of the forever)
4. World Heroes 2 Jet (average SF2 clone, I know... but what other game lets you play as a pirate shooting sharks and pirate ships instead of fireballs?)
5. The Last Blade 2 (because old school is great and all... but what Neo has achieved in its 'mature' years is nothing short of a miracle... and this is the most beautiful game of that second era)
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Magical Drop 3
Metal Slug 3
Puzzle Bobble
Flip Shot

and other good games (no order):
Garou MotW
Money Puzzle Exchanger
Magical Drop 2
Puzzle Bobble 2
Metal Slug
Metal Slug X
Blazing Star
League Bowling (link mode!)
Last Blade 2
Baseball Stars 2
Last Blade 2
Samurai Shodwon IV
Twinkle star sprites
Shock Troopers 2
Top Hunter
Pochi and Nyaa
Super Dodge Ball
Sengoku 3

Er... I will say too much games :D
Wow, Last Blade 2 must be really good!

so hard to pick just 5. If I have to, these are my personal choices:

Kof 95
Kof 98
The Last Blade
Samurai Spirits 2

Some of my other favorites:
Slug 3
Waku Waku 7
Kof 02
Neo Turf Masters
Aero Fighters 2
Strikers 1945 Plus
how is it that this thread is top 5 and not top 4 or top 6... #justsaying
My Top-5 here!

1. Neo Turf Master
2. Aero Fighters 2
3. Baseball Stars 2
4. Sengoku
5. Fatal Fury Special
nightmare in the dark
Twinkle star sprites
Metal slug x
Pochi & nyaa
Garou motw

For a nice bit of variety - better still I have all of them....
Samurai Shodown II
King Of Fighters 98
Shock Troopers
Last Blade II
Anyone else want to chime in with their favorites since the Neo multi is getting close?

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Blazing Star
Metal Slug X
Mutation Nation
Windjammers (or did I already mention that one :P )