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Aug 23, 2015
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This is the second Hori Fighting Stick HSJ-12 that I've restored. I wrote up the other here. These HSJ-12s have heavy steel cases and take LS-32 sticks and 30mm buttons with minimal effort.

Like the other HSJ-12, I cleaned it, stripped the case, painted it Rustoleum Hammered Black, and replaced the buttons and stick. This time the label/sticker survived. It has Sanwa 30mm buttons, a blue bubble ball, and a Seimitsu LS-32 stick.




inside (before)






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Hey there!

Your post inspired my first arcade-project! ;)

I learned about the various controllers and modding techniques, managed to unsolder the stuf...all went well.... Followed your advice for a Seimitsu LS32, fit it in, soldered it and BAM! the thing doesnt actually close... or it does but then the stick rips against the bottom of the case!!! X(((
Wire 2021-01-26 at 10 05 AM.jpeg

Is that something you omitted to describe? It was a bit confusing to see mostly pictures of what *exists* in the HSJ-12 and not pics of what you changed the parts for! ;) Is it maybe something i did wrong? It looks like there is really 1 or 2mm too many.... Did you shorten the shaft? remove or shorten some of the parts of the LS-32?

My leads so far:
* trying to *bump* the bottom of the case, make a 1-2mm bump so the bottom of the stick can circulate freely
* change the LS-32 for a LS-56 but that would be a bit of a shame :)

Thanks for an answer, and in all cases thanks for the inspiration!!

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Hey there!

Your post inspired my first arcade-project! ;)

I learned about the various controllers and modding techniques, managed to unsolder the stuf...all went well.... Followed your advice for a Seimitsu LS32, fit it in, soldered it and BAM! the thing doesnt actually close... or it does but then the stick rips against the bottom of the case!!! X(((
Wire 2021-01-26 at 10 05 AM.jpeg

Is that something you omitted to describe? It was a bit confusing to see mostly pictures of what *exists* in the HSJ-12 and not pics of what you changed the parts for! ;) Is it maybe something i did wrong? It looks like there is really 1 or 2mm too many.... Did you shorten the shaft? remove or shorten some of the parts of the LS-32?

My leads so far:
* trying to *bump* the bottom of the case, make a 1-2mm bump so the bottom of the stick can circulate freely
* change the LS-32 for a LS-56 but that would be a bit of a shame :)

Thanks for an answer, and in all cases thanks for the inspiration!!

Did you manage to figure this out? I need to get around to modding mine but might go with an LS-56 if the LS-32 doesn't fit. I wonder if Smoke re-used the original shaft...

EDIT: For anyone who comes this way, OP states they used an LS-33 on their twitter not an LS-32, I guess they're not bothered to update the accuracy of this here thread.
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