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Nah, that's the bin I was using to CF Boot with in the first place, seems like it only works with netboot and cart conversions. Must have some problem with how CF booting works.
I had asked Darksoft to look at this because I was trying to fix a Crazy Taxi at an arcade by replacing the broken GD Rom drive with a CF kit. It always freezes shortly after booting but if I recall correctly it worked fine if netbooted. I may be wrong about that. I never got it fixed before I moved. :(
With A naomi 2 setup : Crazy Taxi works fine with Netboot but freeze on the Sega Logo when using the same bin on a CF.

The bin is the one on Gakman Mega repository

Also hoping somebody will fix this game for CF booting : my kids are angry about not able to play Crazy Taxi anymore
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My repository is initially based on Neo-Arcadia old page since I'm French. I've just added some stuffs (Draksoft versions, converts 512Mo/1G, games I've patched...). I've created this repository to share games for preservation since Neo-Arcadia page is broken.
Hopefully someone will be able to fix the CF boot version at some point.
sorry, no clear ideas why this happen.
probably another "DMA clash case", which is still mystery and happen only in case of games converted from carts , but unknown why it doesn't happen for GD games.
My repository is initially based on Neo-Arcadia old page since I'm French. I've just added some stuffs (Draksoft versions, converts 512Mo/1G, games I've patched...). I've created this repository to share games for preservation since Neo-Arcadia page is broken.
I know this :) And it's very useful.

Donc, merci pour cette démarche très utile :thumbsup:
does anybody know what happens if you put a game cartridge under a dimm unit??
does one boot, or do they lock the system up?
Recently I was converting a VF4FT cart, using "Asian Dynamite / Dynamite Deka EX" as a donor.
I split the CF boot rom "VirtuaFighter4FinalTuned_verb.bin" in to 3*64MB+48MB and burn into the 512Mb flash on the cart.
After everything was done, I powered on the NAOMI 2 ,the game didn't boot. But it showed the game title in TEST MENU.
When I went into ROM TEST, it didn't calculate the checksum. ;(
Does the first flash IC8 (it contains IC22 and IC1-7) on cart need some patch ?
Has anyone tried converting game on a M4 game cart? ?( ?(
@KoshiroKazuma VF4FT game tries to talk with DIMM and determine it's firmware version, it won't work if firmware is less than 3.17, so yes, this game require hacking.
on the bright side - changes will be in very start of rom board space, it might be resolved adding IC7 EEPROM with hacked code, so no soldering will be required.
@KoshiroKazuma VF4FT game tries to talk with DIMM and determine it's firmware version, it won't work if firmware is less than 3.17, so yes, this game require hacking.
on the bright side - changes will be in very start of rom board space, it might be resolved adding IC7 EEPROM with hacked code, so no soldering will be required.
Is there any tutorial on hacking rom? I have been working on this for a week, don't have any progress.
VF4FT is my favorite NAOMI2 game, just wanna make a cart version. [astrocity]
@KoshiroKazuma you may try to patch VF4FT (rev F) like this:
offset oldval newval
000205C6: 0B 09
000205C7: 40 00
000205D0: 0B 09
000205D1: 41 00

but I'm not sure if it will solve all problems
Thanks for you help.
I tried this patch. But I got the same result. The screen becomes black after NAOMI logo. No checksum in ROM BOARD TEST menu,black screen in GAME TEST MODE.
I attached the screenshot and uploaded the rom I used, which is OK for CF-boot.

rom: https://mega.nz/#!LZYCCZ6I!rL2uHGWI2dDnFfsvWYp9p70zX520rJNl1lHIW_V6x4k


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in such case it more looks like you have soldering problem.
when game tries to load some files from game "data" area it gets unexpected data and hangs.
this happen before DIMM board firmware version check, which is disabled by patch above.

I'd recommend to fill checksum area in ROM header structure, this will help you to determine which ROMs read bad.
in such case it more looks like you have soldering problem.
when game tries to load some files from game "data" area it gets unexpected data and hangs.
this happen before DIMM board firmware version check, which is disabled by patch above.

I'd recommend to fill checksum area in ROM header structure, this will help you to determine which ROMs read bad.
Sorry for my misunderstanding in previous post. I burned a patched 27C322 and inserted in IC7 socket. The game works!! It's awesome!! :thumbsup:
Though it has not checksum calculation in GAME BOARD TEST, everything is OK. And I have played through the game once.
BTW,how do you find which bits in the rom should be modified ? Is there any tool recommend?
Once again, thank you very much! :thumbup: