Recent content by buffster

  1. buffster

    Interest Check - NEW MVS MULTI BATCH!!

    Damn, I'm too late. Just when I was saving my fund to pre-order this. FOMO is real.
  2. buffster

    Let's Connect a PC to an Arcade Cab, Shall we??!!

    My bad for a late reply. I remembered for the first time I follow the instructions to install CRT emu driver and groovymame and it was already disable switchres. Before I knew this was disable, I try out the game and I notice the windows did not switch the desktop resolution right before the...
  3. buffster

    Let's Connect a PC to an Arcade Cab, Shall we??!!

    Awesome thread! Nearly 2 years ago, I bought this awesome "Bartox System" PC-Jamma, and before going further,I already knew about J-PAC. I prefer not to get J-PAC. Yes, I know it's cheap but because I do not want to mess around with audio wire or even rewire it if I'm planning to switch to PC or...
  4. buffster

    DARKSOFT Get your MultiMVS Here:

    After summer? Plenty of time for me to save up $$$ for MVS version. Not sure anyone said this before and you should make own Neo-geo MVS mini marquee with it.
  5. buffster

    Can someone burn me a Tekken 5.0 CD?

    I have Tekken 5 arcade cabinet and the disc does not say which version is this. No where to be seen on disc. Still want me to make ISO and upload for you?
  6. buffster

    WTB Showcase cabinet

    I was on Captain warehouse yesterday and boy, I waited to reach for Showcase cabinet for over 9 hours, so I can bid. Too bad, I did not make it. One were 750 (I bid that one) and the other two were $300. I did not bid on the both $300s one because both have LCD install. I have feeling those two...
  7. buffster

    WTB Showcase cabinet

    That's cheap? Whoa, I gotta go there.
  8. buffster

    WTB Showcase cabinet

    I always want to go there. It's there any FEE you have to pay if you win any auction?
  9. buffster

    WTB Showcase cabinet

    I am looking for someone in Southern California who willing to sell me empty showcase cabinet with great condition with no missing parts. Thanks.
  10. buffster

    In Stock 5/26! - Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    I will keep my eyes on this thread for the update. I am willing to buy it once you making again. I couldn't pre-order because I'm broke. I guess I'll just have to sit back and see how the beta version doing so far. Looking forward to get my hand on this thing and hook this up for the PC. Thanks :)
  11. buffster

    Can different pinout between my harness and PCB would work anyway?

    Got it, won't hook this one with neo geo. Thanks! So. my naomi cab should be working for this PCB then? No, we meet up at pubic parking lot by the pizza place. I guess I should've ask for pictures or video to see if the game work before we meet. Oh well.
  12. buffster

    Can different pinout between my harness and PCB would work anyway?

    Hello, I'm bit new about this whole harness things. I bought "SNK VS CAPCOM" Chaos PCB off from craigslist. I have been hook up all three of my cabinet and none work. It's only show black screen and no audio. I'm not sure the seller sold me broken PBC (He claim it working before sold to me) or...
  13. buffster

    In Stock 5/26! - Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    Good to hear! Unfortunately, my PC only have HDMI ports and I'm wondering if you have or willing to try to see if HDMI to VGA adapter work on JAMMAizer w/VGA Hat? Thanks!