Recent content by dantarion

  1. D

    NESiCA Card Reader

    Hey, I have two from a vewlix and calipers I could use to measure this for you when I have some time. My use case I am aiming to print something to set up a RFID card reader for Mister. The idea is to use an arduino nano, a small OLED screen, and a card reader to let me switch games without...
  2. D

    Nesica panel repro surround + reader housing

    This is an old thread, but I stumbled upon this while doing research for a arcade project of my own. Like jermz1, I wanted to reuse that area of my cab for something else, but in my case, I am trying to put a RFID reader to use with the MiSTer. I wasn't able to figure out out to reuse the nesica...