Recent content by electricgrave

  1. electricgrave

    Home Arcade System

    I don't blame him, it was worth a shot but I'm happy with my HAS sets the way they are. It commands royal state but then again PCBs always do so it's not that bad at all. I'm currently using mine on a decent looking wood boards, makes for an easy application for different systems. Yeah man...
  2. electricgrave

    Mini Cute Arcade Cabinet

    This is amazing. I've seen your sticks, beautiful work, you could have gone with a simpler design like an Aero Table and still sell hard, but this my friend, it's hitting for the fences. The fandom is gonna shit bricks for them, guaranteed. Wish you the best of luck!
  3. electricgrave

    Home Arcade System

    That's super classy opt2not. HAS Level Up! I haven't been keeping up with RGB latest, could I get on a list for 2 RGB extenders when the time comes?
  4. electricgrave

    aero city repro trackball panel

    Yeah man, it does get used from time to time. I just covered it in vinyl, looks half decent, one day I'll make a proper repro. That's awesome man, months it's no big deal. I can send you a bare Tekken 5 CP, it's the exact same size.
  5. electricgrave

    aero city repro trackball panel

    Hey man, glad you still at it. I've been meaning to ask you if there's a chance to make some blank panels for OG HRAP, I have a few shells that I'd like to use with different peripherals and you came to mind right away. Can send you an original CP if needed. Take it easy and best of luck with...
  6. electricgrave

    Arcade Stickers

    Currently looking into Cricut, the precision and materials is what really got me curious about this stuff.
  7. electricgrave

    FS Egret 2/Windy 2/NNC/Q25 (Repair refund)

    How is it that group buys like these are usually done by the inexperienced?
  8. electricgrave

    PGM multicart interest check

    Everyone owes to themselves to play Last Gladiator, talk about a teacher in all things crowd control. DDP2 the 3rd Episode, another fun game and the only shmup before the Cave conversions. Demon Front is another very fun game, well worth the time. Martial Masters is great, Visco tier for...
  9. electricgrave

    PGM multicart interest check

    Cool idea, down for it. Hilarious yes, great game? You bet! Play the amped up version, I believe is SUPER or Special, can't recall right now but it gets super crazy and amazing all at once.
  10. electricgrave

    PS1 Namco Arcade Stick Mods

    Your favorite stick for shmups? OK good for you but nah...I got 2, kept one stock because I do like the lever and there's sentimental value there, still prefer the JLF mod though. In a perfect world, I could fit an LS62 in there smooth and have the best short throw stick you can get. However I...
  11. electricgrave

    PS1 Namco Arcade Stick Mods

    That was a lot of people go to stick for a very long time, same with the DC Agetec, 360 Hori EX2, the list goes on and on when it comes to semi-decent sticks that we all have used well and enjoyed, but at some point after playing with actual arcade hardware and being able to acquire it, it's...
  12. electricgrave

    Home Arcade System

    So glad to see you here as well RGB. I always recommend your work to everyone, best supergun there is, period.
  13. electricgrave

    Custom Auxiliary Control panel for Vewlix Cab.

    For something that small metal is overkill but why not? My advice, get in touch with Lions3 and have it made on etched black plexi with all the legends, done and classy.
  14. electricgrave

    PS1 Namco Arcade Stick Mods

    The buttons are great, the stick...meh, lube the bejesus out of it, it does get better but the nylon housing them proprietary Hori sticks have are semi-decent, you can definitely improve it. NPC-102 Namco Joystick 1996…2018 JLF Install. I had to mod the stick a bit, starting by drilling the...
  15. electricgrave

    Custom Auxiliary Control panel for Vewlix Cab.

    Looks like a simple Plexi application, shouldn't be hard to replicate if you've cut plexi before. Also you could have this CNC cut, so many folks doing Plexi work like Lions3, he should be able to do this etched if you want it to.