Recent content by Ghostcri

  1. Ghostcri

    64 & 128Mb CPS3 Repro SIMMS!!

    Still have SIMMS for sale? Ty.
  2. Ghostcri

    Chihiro filter board parts

    That is it, thanks! I knew it was some sort of JST connector but had no idea of the actual part number.
  3. Ghostcri

    Chihiro filter board parts

    I'm Looking for either the 8 plug power connector for CN1 or a whole filter board to fix a broken off connector, does anyone have a good source for either of these? Thanks in advance!
  4. Ghostcri

    Noob Here - Seeking Naomi Help

    Any idea why my horizontal hold would be hyper sensitive when connecting my netboot setup up to a CPS2 cab? When I take it off and reconnect the CPS2, it's fine. I've tried several other remote boards for the K7000 that's in it and they all are the same way.
  5. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    I have a Naomi 2 with Capcom io in a pseudo big blue. It's just a standard 2 player, 6 button fighting cab that has/had CPS2 Xmen vs SF in it.
  6. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    Any other tips to get the most out of a Naomi 2 netboot setup?
  7. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    No problem! So to get multiple games working, I need the multi bios? Will that also mean that if I want to switch from a USA only rom to a Japan only rom that I'll still need to physically change dip switches on the Naomi?
  8. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    Sorry, when I say the pi not working, I'm talking about the original pi I started with. I have two, one is the newer pi with wifi built in and the other is an older version 1 or 2 with an adafruit lcd. The older one is the one I coudn't get working at all.
  9. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    Well, I followed the tutorial and double and triple checked it so I'm still not sure if it is the pi I was using or something else.
  10. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    Well I made some progress. I used my newer pi that was built in wifi and loaded it with the piforce web v1.2 image. I was then finally able to load Mvc2 and play. I have some other roms such as Powerstone 2, Street Fighter Upper that I get error code 2 with but I assume it's because of the image...
  11. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    Where can I change the gateway on my netdimm?
  12. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    I have checked the and it has these ips listed: ips = ["", "", "", ""] If I have the pi set to, I don't also want the Naomi set to that ip do I? Maybe I'm missing something, but how do I set the ip for the pi itself?
  13. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    I bought the pi and adafruit lcd combo off a trusted friend that said it worked fine with his chihiro setup. He sent me the crossover cable and power supply for the pi as part of the package. It isn't the newest pi but he sold it because he had sold the cab. The cable is red and is labeled...
  14. Ghostcri

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    Where would I set the gateway? I've followed the tutorial and it only mentions the ip and net mask.