Recent content by jbrlll

  1. jbrlll

    Out Zone TP-018 missing sprites.

    Picked up a current tracer and logic probe. No chip is showing any obvious over draw. Been working through the schematics with the logic probe next, it’s pretty cool but tedious.
  2. jbrlll

    Out Zone TP-018 missing sprites.

    I found @Phil Bennett page late last night and realized I need to up my game with a logic probe and oscilloscope. I’ve survived fixing all my stuff just shotgunning parts in thus far.
  3. jbrlll

    Out Zone TP-018 missing sprites.

    Update. That is the correct capacitor list. I reflowed the entire board …no change. MaskRoms 1, 2, 3, 4 handle sprites, these are 28Dip 1Mbit DSC1000AC non-jedec with 28 pin sockets. The PCB will actually accept 27c010 EPROMs opening soldered jumper 7 and closing jumpers 8, 9. Desoldered old 28...
  4. jbrlll

    Out Zone TP-018 missing sprites.

    Hello, can anybody verify the following cap locations? C34 470uf 16v C1 470uf 16v C28 10uf 16v C30 10uf 16v C29 10uf 16v C37 10uf 16v C36 22uf 16v C38 22uf 16v C32 220uf 16v All my sprites are half missing, does anybody know which rom is responsible for sprites? Thank you.
  5. jbrlll

    OSSC in Vewlix w/factory Jamma Harness

    Setting the Vewlix Jamma upscaler to passthru RGBHV 15khz @ 262P to OSSC 5x @ 1920x1200. The D-Sub in on OSSC will accept 5V TTL safely. The other option was to let the vewlix upscaler output 31khz 640x480 RGBHV then let the OSSC line double. I didn’t go this route because now I have the signal...
  6. jbrlll

    Help Identifying PCB

    Hello, trying to identify this PCB. Previous owner had no information, no manufacturer or date on silkscreen. The edge connector is quite a bit smaller than Jamma. Trying to figure out what edge adapter I might need to safely plug it into a jamma cab. Thank you.
  7. jbrlll


    Hey @Anselmo I appreciate the invite. @astro_zombie138 The CPS2Digital kits are not going to be available for a while, I had bought the last two kits over a year ago. I’m saving the other kit for the cps1 multi.
  8. jbrlll


    Re-capped A & B board Champion edition darksoft multi Auxn works power supply and db15–>USB HDMI CPS2Digital
  9. jbrlll

    User/Seller: Semload.

    Thank you Semload, It’s a big world out there, if you take peoples money upfront always do what you say your going to do. Word and action have to align in monetary agreements. Take care brother.
  10. jbrlll

    User/Seller: Semload.

    It does not take so many words to acknowledge you haven’t done anything you said you would do. It’s talent to use so many words and say nothing. I’ll make it simple, refund or shipment date?
  11. jbrlll

    User/Seller: Semload.

    Semload, If your honest then why did you not send a pic of the product the next day? That is your word, not mine. I did not bother with that, I patiently waited an extra two weeks after the three week date of shipment you set. That’s your word, not mine. That’s 0/2 in you doing what you said you...
  12. jbrlll

    User/Seller: Semload.

    I paid @Semload 395 euro’s 5 weeks ago on the agreement he would ship two cases in 3 weeks. The day of purchase he promised to send sega 16b case pics. Never heard back after I paid him, to this day not one pic sent. Have not heard from him since, I emailed him yesterday and got this response...
  13. jbrlll

    H. Width Coil

    Just wanted to give a general thanks to the monitor forum. Have a backup Sanwa 1723D for my Cute and the pic is to wide. Recapped and it got better, ferrite core stuck in coil, soaked it and got it to turn. Not enough adjustment, after reading hundreds of posts discovered a ‘N’ and ‘W’ jumper...