Recent content by Misos

  1. M

    MV1FZS + Supersidekicks ult. 11 problems

    MVS games are pretty straight-forward: you remove the suspect chips, dump them to verify if they are bad, and replace them with new ones. That's it. You will need an eprom programmer and an equivalent eprom for the bad chip.
  2. M

    MV1FZS + Supersidekicks ult. 11 problems

    Regarding the cartridge: bad S-rom, and bad C1 since the Neo Geo logo is garbled. Could be a cut trace leading to the S-rom, check the back of the board near the hole of the screw sometimes traces got cut because of friction with the plastic.
  3. M

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    Yes, the problem was with the program I was using, it was spliting the file in a weird way. I used romwak instead to split the file and cmd to mirror it, and it worked. So if you have a JS28F256, You need to split the file in 2, use the first part (the botton half is empty) and then mirror it...
  4. M

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    How do you program the S-rom when the cart comes with a JS28F256 instead of a JS28F512? The chip ID returns a 2222 intead of 2223 and when I dump the file the CRC does not match. The M rom was a normal JS28F512 so I had no problems with that one.
  5. M

    Windjammers MVS - sound issue

    The rom has 1 Megabyte = 8megabit, so you need a 27c800.
  6. M

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    Would the decrypted Kof 99 rom from the NeoRageX 0.6 romset work on the 161 in 1? It has all the stuff from the final version but has a 128Kb S-Rom.
  7. M

    Mark of the Wolves Reverse Engineering thread

    Seems like an old problem. Here is a new boot being sold on Aliexpress. And is still using the proto rom.
  8. M

    Ganryu in black shell

    Original black shells from SNK have a white triangle on the back.
  9. M

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    Can someone with a working cart confirm if Kof 2000 is working properly? Mine is working, but the letters are all garbled. It's the only game with this kind of problem that i tested so far.
  10. M

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    I'm happy to report that I have solved the problem and have a proper working cart now. Reflowed the P-roms and the cart booted properly. The only problem is powering off the system to choose a different game, but I'm not complaining it's worth the trade-off. Special thanks to RockBottom, Vortex...
  11. M

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    Just hit a dead end. Cart doesn't boot. It just goes straight to the check board screen. I've programmed everything, dumped and checked the Cr32 for every chip's content before soldering them into the cart. Could this be related to the CPLDs? I've never used Quartus before, so I'm not sure if...
  12. M

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    In my case: C1: 0 errors, C2: 2 errors, V: 3 errors. I thought it was the daughterboard's fault because the cart was working before I desoldered everything.
  13. M

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    I see. Thank you. There's definitely something wrong then. I think it could be the stock daughter board because I reflowed the pins on the C-chip and it does not report any errors anymore. I will order a new daughter board. I have a spare non-working cart that I can use for chips, fortunately.
  14. M

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    Does the "E" in the TEST menu stand for "Error"? For example I get 1 with a C chip and 2 with a V chip. If so is this normal or will it affect the programming?
  15. M

    Mark of the Wolves Reverse Engineering thread

    Yes, I was playing in AES mode. Is it only in MVS mode that it has no endings? Here's a page with the differences between the proto and the final version: The version in 138 in 1 has some of the stuff of the proto patched and some left unpatched.