Recent content by SurferGuy420

  1. S

    Drop in replacement for a Peter Chou USP-11-150X?

    I'm trying to buy a matching replacement power supply for a Peter Chou USP-11-150X, but the usual ones all seem to be discontinued and I can't find something being sold with the right connectors/power rails. Anybody know of a good quality PSU that would match this model?
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    Burning roms for Model 2/3 pcbs

    Ahh nice, thanks so much :thumbsup: Looking forward to getting these done too, really appreciate it!
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    stv bootleg card

    Ah I gotcha, thanks so much :thumbsup:
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    stv bootleg card

    There's nothing there :/
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    stv bootleg card

    What does the official Die Hard cart look like? ?( Now I'm worried I'll end up with one thanks ebay
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    SOLD Mortal Kombat PCB

    Yeah on second thought I think I'm gonna pass. GL on the sale! :)
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    SOLD Mortal Kombat PCB

    That could be good, but then I'd be worried that it might increase spam where a bunch of people would just be blowing up threads for the sake of being able to post a sale :( What I could do... if he's willing to take me up on the offer - I can do $150 which will leave me enough left over to...
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    SOLD Mortal Kombat PCB

    Honestly I've been looking at this back and forth for a while now but my problem is the new account - nothing against you personally (this could be totally legit), but without a post history or any real rep it's hard for somebody like myself who's also admittedly new to validate sending that...
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    Using Ethernet to Make a Longer Multi-Selector Cable?

    The goal was to run it outside the furniture door, but if I can run it from the entertainment center to my couch I'd much rather do that :thumbsup: But that would be about 12, maybe 15ft or so. Maybe I'll give the ribbon cable a try.
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    Using Ethernet to Make a Longer Multi-Selector Cable?

    I believe it has to do with signal strength - e.g. a 10m long ribbon cable would drop voltage low enough to not function properly over said distance, whereas a powered intermediary - say an ethernet switch for example - would allow the run to go much longer without dropping out. Similar to how...
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    Using Ethernet to Make a Longer Multi-Selector Cable?

    I'm talking cat5 specifically to be longer than those. I should've made that clear :D
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    Using Ethernet to Make a Longer Multi-Selector Cable?

    I keep my CPS2 multi in an entertainment center (it's ventilated), but having to open the door everytime I want to switch games gets tedious really quickly. I remembered the Naomi multis use ethernet to transfer the game data, and while I understand it's doing something different it did make me...
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    WTB Virtua Fighter 1/3 Kit, Fighting Vipers 2 Kit

    I sent him a message, will keep you guys posted. Thanks for the help everybody :thumbsup:
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    WTB Virtua Fighter 1/3 Kit, Fighting Vipers 2 Kit

    Looking to pickup both of these, might as well send out some feelers. Would need the whole kits - Model 1 VF with IO board, Sound board, filter board etc. Same with Model 3 VF3/3TB/FV2. Even the cages if possible. Thanks for looking.
  15. S

    ST-V multicart game selector with LCD screen

    Are these still being sold? I don't have an LCD selector but I'm interested in picking one up