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Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
Mission Viejo, CA, USA
Hello Folks!

I was over looking at marq's github for the CPS1 helper board, and it looks like he a new 1.3 version out - this version supports qsound audio through HDMI as well, and he has a note that he will be releasing a new firmware to support it.

I just ordered 20 boards from JLCPCB - and they had all the parts on the BOM except for 1 of them (U1) - so I will have to solder that by myself - but only having to do one isn't bad... :) First time trying to use them to solder all the parts on - they have to be better than me doing the whole thing by hand!

Assuming the boards work I will likely have 15 or 16 left out of the batch if anyone is interesting in picking one up. Drop me a note in this thread if you are, and after I get everything and test it out - I will post back regarding if the boards work, and the availability.

EDIT - this is all good and ready to go - here is the breakdown and cost - PM if me interested, I have 17 of these.

V1.3 helper board - assembled and ready to go
3 male headers (let me know if you don't need these - $ .50 a piece)
3 female headers (let me know if you don't need these - $3 a piece!!)
strip headers soldered in for dry fit on DigiAV board (or you can solder on)
male qsound adapter, cut to size
female qsound adapter with wires crimped and ready to go - 18"

$25 plus $8 for shipping.

This is essentially at cost and probably only for folks needing to upgrade from 1.2 to 1.3 - as the new kits from videogameperfection already come with the 1.3 board.


Here is how you wire up the other end of the qsound cable.


14 boards left.

@mathewbeall - 2 for me :)
@raynex - complete
@tacobell - complete
@bgwelistyl - reserved
@9999 Damage - complete
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Been helping test the new board, I believe a new firmware will be needed for the v1.3 adapter, as the one on the github doesnt support audio switching for cps1.5 games
Yep - he mentions in his github that a firmware release for the digital AV board will be required.
I got the boards today - but I need some of the female and male 10 pin u-shaped headers to test it.

Does anyone know where I can source about 70 of each of them? I tried searching all around, and I am probably using the wrong searches, because I am coming up with nothing.

here is a picture of each.

This is awesome news. I will definitely swap my helper board for this one. Programming the DigitalAV is going to be a pain. As for those headers, I'm asking the source if he'll reveal where he gets his (Matt from VGP).
Here's the female header though. https://www.digikey.com/short/mvbwcmf1
for the female headers = digikey
For the male headers = hand made by bending each pin individually in a micro-folding press. Was a particularly fiddly operation, would not recommend.
wow - $4 a PIECE! That certainly is expensive.... I will see what Matt says when he gets back to me as well.

And - from digikey - backordered until early May :(

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Here is a picture of the board w/o the headers. The only thing needed to be hand soldered was U1 since JLCPCB didn't have that chip.

Awesome. Now that I think about it, I hope it won't interfere with my Digital AV mount. lol.
On another note, if you really want to test it and if you have the current CPS1 adapter, you could just desolder the headers off of that to the new board.
Awesome. Now that I think about it, I hope it won't interfere with my Digital AV mount. lol.
On another note, if you really want to test it and if you have the current CPS1 adapter, you could just desolder the headers off of that to the new board.

I should have the female headers arriving on Saturday, and I had a couple of male still - so I will be good with my first test board.

I don't want to desolder anything from the old, working one - in case I have to troubleshoot!

the dimensions of the board are exactly the same - I already dry fit it with your adapter - works totally fine.
I should have the female headers arriving on Saturday, and I had a couple of male still - so I will be good with my first test board.

I don't want to desolder anything from the old, working one - in case I have to troubleshoot!

the dimensions of the board are exactly the same - I already dry fit it with your adapter - works totally fine.
Fantastic. If it works to your liking, I'll take one as well (if it wasn't obvious with all of my replies...lol). Don't worry about the male headers as I have extras as well. Bought enough to make 1 more CPS1 adapter, so I'm good on that front.
It sounds like Matt Buxton (videogameperfection.com) would get the male headers from Undamned. Does anyone have a contact for them? Their website appears to have no updates since 2017.
Everytime I take something that is working, and break it - I always ask myself "did you really need to do this?" LOL

So - I have the new helper board all hooked up, and the audio that I think is sampled (street fighter voice for example "USA, Japan, etc". isn't coming through.

Can someone remind me which input that is? I have redone both the coax cables thinking maybe that was it, but no go.


I just figured it out - went through everything again - I had 3v3 and S0 swapped.... Pretty sure after looking at the diagram that S0 is the digital audio.

Note to self - do not use the same color of wire for two pads right next to each other!
