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  1. arcadenostelgia

    Problems when upgrading an Raspberry Pi with Retropie and Emulation Station from generic joy/button kit to Sanwa / Happ kit

    We built this arcade box (below) from scratch in 2020, and my son decked it out with RGB lighting. It was a labour of love. We built the hardware with a RetroPie running on a Raspberry Pi (either 3 or 4) and Emulation Station. We picked up a cheap pack of joysticks and buttons and an XinMo2...
  2. arcadenostelgia

    Old arcade player who has refound old arcade gaming in a COVID project rebuild

    Hello all, Was really pleased to find this forum. Built an arcade cabinet with my teenage son to play old 80s and 90s titles and had a blast as a project building it, then another blast playing it. Then some controls broke and I upgraded them and it's caused no ends of problems which I haven't...