Search results

  1. YaYaLanD

    [WIP 20%] 9” CRT Screen in Bartop cabinet Yoko & Tate

    Hello ! I’m starting a new project, a bartop... but don’t be fooled, it won’t be a LCD bartop as seen everywhere over the Internet. I want the bartop to look like old fashion with a good old CRT inside, not only a standard consumer TV, i’ll be using 2 Sony PVM9042QM units ! I made a lot of...
  2. YaYaLanD

    [solved] Trying to repair a SONY PVM 9042QM

    Hello ! i bought in october 2019, 2 9“ sony 9042QM PVM. One was always black and white. I managed to solve the problem after a deep cleaning and some soldering reflow here and there where the solders were looking suspicious. the other one has a screwed image on the left and right side with...
  3. YaYaLanD

    [WIP - 90%]PhotoPlay Spirit 2.1 restoration and transformation into MVS Cabinet

    hello ! i was looking for a small form factor arcade cabinet that would not hurt my wife's eyes in the middle of the living room :whistling: And i stumbled on a PhotoPlay Spirit 2.1 cabinet. It was used for tactile games and had no controls. The idea was to turn it into a working MVS cabinet...
  4. YaYaLanD

    Greetings from Burgundy France

    Hello ! i’m really glad i did register here. I’ve been a long time lurker. They are so many cool projects here to discover and learn from. There is a real fact : whenever i was googling something technical about arcade, i was always ending here :thumbsup: i’m 43. I define myself as a maker...