Search results

  1. a10pilot

    WTB MS-2930 or 2931 chassis

    Hi all, I have been working to fix a Toshiba tube that used to have a 2931. I got the tube with a weiya replacement and it is having major issues. I bought a 2934 chassis and it doesn’t work going into shutdown. Does anyone here have a working 2930 or 2931 chassis for sale? Thanks
  2. a10pilot

    Wanted: Virtua Golf instruction strips digital files

    Does anyone have a set that they can send me please? Thanks!
  3. a10pilot

    Sega Bass Fishing Model 3 Art Strips restored

    Hi all, I recently acquired a Model 3 Sega Bass Fishing kit from Dan (hondamandan13 on ebay) and he also sent me the damaged art strips for it. Thanks to him sending me the artwork! They were quite damaged but I worked a couple weeks to fix these up. The files sizes for the PNGs are way too big...
  4. a10pilot

    FOUND Sega Bass Fishing panel with controls

    Please let me know if you have a sega bass fishing panel with working fishing rod controls. Looking for one for my Blast City. Thanks!
  5. a10pilot

    WTB Nanao 2930 or 2931 chassis

    Hi all, I have a Blast City cab with a Toshiba tube A68LBT696X and am looking for a 2930 or 2931 chassis for it. Please let me know if you have one for sale!
  6. a10pilot

    K7000A or neo geo board issue?

    Hi, I have a Neo Geo goldie with a K7000A monitor that has just gotten fresh caps. The monitor does not always come on the first try. I can always hear the game but usually the first switch on it stay black (I hear static on screen but no neck glow) and I have to come back in a couple of...
  7. a10pilot

    Lethal Enforcers help

    I have a lethal enforcers arcade and I cannot seem to dial in the guns. I know how to adjust brightness and color and that is usually all I have to do. But now I cannot seem to shoot onto the left side of the picture no matter what I change. Works fine in the middle and shots register and I can...
  8. a10pilot

    Question about 29" new Makvision arcade monitor, if it will work with New Astro City

    Hi everyone, I found this listing for a 29" CRT new from factory It is a Makvision M3129DS-72. I have a New Astro City now with no monitor so I need something and I thought this might work. Can...