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  1. L

    The House of the dead eu mirrored cab artwork

    Following this thread with keen interest! Would be great to get a clean scan of a mint marquee.. There was also originally Control panel art around the speaker panel, with a blue brick like pattern and blood splatters, and the Player1/ Player2 fonts on the relevant sides above the speakers...
  2. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Looks incredible!
  3. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Please count me in for 2 kits possibly a 3rd!
  4. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    This will indeed be awesome! :thumbsup:
  5. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Neku, are there any tips or specific details on how the combo KI+KI2 needs to be created in order to work correctly from one single Flash/HD card like in your video?
  6. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Your other 2 projects both sound Incredible!… Neku my friend, I have a KI1 pcb with a dead CPU, I use it to aid diagnosis on faulty boards and have used some generic parts from it to repair 2 boards in the past... Will your PGA/SMD project require the desoldering of the CPU chip from the board...
  7. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Hi Neku, have you had any further success with the bank switch modifications? Hope everything is well 🙂👍
  8. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Just want to point out I am both very excited about neku’s achievements and massively applauding him on everything he has done for this project, I do not have anywhere near the skills and knowledge he has so my comments above are simply ideas spoken out loud, and I am in no way trying to 'steer'...
  9. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    This is coming along incredible, I love the idea of the game selection screen and wondered whether it can be selected traditionally like highlighting either game using left or right and hitting a start button?.. I must admit though, in my personal opinion I'm not a huge fan of using the deviant...
  10. L

    Nfl blitz pcb help

    Sadly no, not yet I haven’t… really hoping to work this out, it certainly seems to be a common problem on the Seattle hardware, yet I haven’t found anyone that has documented the repairs… :(
  11. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Still eagerly checking back here each day!… 🙌 🙌 🙌
  12. L

    Nfl blitz pcb help

    Have exactly the same issue as this with my Blitz board.. Need to find a minute to try and tackle it!
  13. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Holy smokes, that was fast!! Will you still arrange buttons for the correct order, P1 button for KI1 and P2 button for KI2? This work is truly amazing, we are witnessing things never before possible... Well done!
  14. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Holy crap no way..multi-HD?? you’ve done it! Video needed!
  15. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Simply fantastic, in my opinion you have made a hell of a breakthrough! The hardware diagnostics are already great - the more you can implement then even better! To report chip location would be incredible and to add IDE detection would be a fantastic tool.. There will surely be numerous boards...
  16. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Wow, this is nothing short of incredible..amazing work Neku! Can I ask, is there any reason your patched U98 rom might not work with the existing switching bank eprom/HD mods in this thread? In other words, can this now be used for a dual KI/KI2 set-up using the dedicated KI2 U96 hardware...
  17. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Ok, has anyone on here actually done some extended testing and played through both games one after the other on here? The reason I ask is this, I got everything installed to my cabinet using the exact same parts in this guide, and at first I thought it was up and running perfect… I was running...
  18. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    Sweet, just wanted to double check there wasn’t any other reason for it coming off the IDE that I hadn’t cottoned on to 👌 Thanks! 👍
  19. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    I’m just in the process of piecing this puzzle together myself and just want to ask.. Is there any reason why I couldn’t/shouldn’t take my +5v and Ground connections directly from my power supply to my DPDT switch, instead of taping off from the IDE connector pins?
  20. L

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    I’m currently gathering the parts together to do mine and I’ll be posting my pics too 😁 You guys have made a great thing possible, massive kudos to you! I’ll be mega impressed if I ever see the dedicated KI2 board running KI1, I’m pretty sure it’s always been regarded as “impossible”, much like...