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  1. Cripeuss

    WTB Teki Paki pcb ( Found )

    Oh damn, it was definitely in stock before I posted it here :/ I should have just sent you the link via PM, my bad
  2. Cripeuss

    WTB Teki Paki pcb ( Found )

    33,000 JPY:
  3. Cripeuss

    Supergun powered by USB-C
  4. Cripeuss

    FS /thread

    Shoot, I must have misread then. Forgot it was in CAD and got all mixed up myself :/ Sorry for the spam @ImportantBet
  5. Cripeuss

    FS /thread

    I think you guys mixed up those prices a bit - in that post Muchi Muchi Pork was sold for $3200, DSMBL for $5000
  6. Cripeuss

    Supergun powered by USB-C

    Yes, I agree :thumbup: It's probably not going to be sold, but anyone fluent in Japanese can contact the creator "Shun Osafune" for more info:
  7. Cripeuss

    Supergun powered by USB-C

    While its not quite what you want (uses a DC barrel connector instead of USB-C) this is basically the same thing? A hobbyist in Japan made a supergun powered by USB-PD: It features DualShock 4 controller support via Bluetooth and a custom FPGA-based...
  8. Cripeuss

    Tiny Autofire pcb that fits under a button

    Japanese PCB shop Higenekodo has been selling a variety of autofire buttons since at least 2017: They currently have 3 different types, one button with fixed 20 shots/s rate, one button with dial to adjust up to 6 rates of fire, and one...
  9. Cripeuss

    Arcade board PCB form factor and enclosure

    I saw this setup posted on twitter a while back:
  10. Cripeuss

    Flat Joystick plate with S plate holes? (JLF in a Super Neo 29 II)

    These short JLF shafts are in stock: