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  1. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Yes a definite whiff of burnt trace filled the air. It's typically underneath an IC as well from what I can see!
  2. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    The never ending repair thread!!! Every now again this board comes down from the shelf for further investigation and repair attempts. I've since had success with other boards but this PCB is my Nemesis! After watching a repair video of Hammy's stating that the mask ROMS where 27C800's split in...
  3. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Yes sorry I meant PLD I've got 3D printing PLA on the brain! Yes Hammy's helping me out with a U6 but basically I'm able to read a U6 PLD and verify it. I'm also able to burn a GAL and also verify it with the original U6 PLD but when I pop it in the board it doesn't work. Pop the original back...
  4. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Very frustratingly I also found this image on UKVAC which is exactly the same PCB as mine but would you believe it the ROMS are covered! I did try to contact the user but it seems they're no longer active on the site. Can't tell but from the looks of the sticker it looks like this has four ROMs...
  5. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Hi Hammy, Of the five boards I got from you three are working two still with very minor errors one has a PLD missing U6 that I have to hot swap from another board. I tried copying a GAL but it didn't work any tips appreciated. They've boards have helped me out a lot so many thanks for those. To...
  6. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    It's a 518B but I've replaced these before with a 517B...
  7. P

    9 pin sil package identification

    Hi, Anyone help me confirm this resistor package from a JAMMA board it controls inputs. I'm thinking it's a 9pin 220ohm isolated package? Pledg
  8. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Can anyone tell me what data the ROM IC located at U133 on these bootleg board should contain?
  9. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Lesson learned and point taken. I naively just didn't appreciate how difficult it could be to get this running! Fingers well and truly burned! ;(
  10. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Turns out the board would part boot using just two eproms PT1 and PT2: prg part 1.stt maincpu prg part 2.stt maincpu Interesting it would animate the check screen in the correct orange colours and font then turn to green font. On pressing coin up I get the coin up sound. I appreciate it's...
  11. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Oh! That's disappointing! I'm listening, it's just on my bench right now and I'm finding it difficult to leave alone until something else comes along...
  12. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Finally!!!!! A boot.... :thumbsup: After over 2 months of tinkering, checking and burning I finally have a booting SF2 board that clears self checking. Not having a controller I haven't advanced any further yet but this is more than encouraging. I wanted to keep going because the condition of...
  13. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Okay I'll consign it to a for parts board...
  14. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    I did find this image online which shows two boards with the same 4 x eprom sub board but unfortunately the quality isn't good enough to learn anything from it.
  15. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Here's the daughterboard pinouts, orientation matched to pcb picture. I just can't see how these would match any available eproms without the need for some serious jumper wires? Any thoughts?
  16. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Just a little update... For those who are still interested and haven't lost the will to live! This maybe progress but I've said that before, so I'll curb my excitement. Reinstalled the ROM board and and burned and fitted SF2 Champion Edition (M8 Bootleg) see photo: Also added video ground...
  17. P

    Part identification please...

    Thanks for confirming that for me. :)
  18. P

    Part identification please...

    I have 2 x NEC D42832C-15L adjacent to some main CPU eproms. Are these RAM IC's or a programable ROM? Thanks...
  19. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    Might be onto something here? I've come across a number of bootlegs boards manufactured by Playmark that use a similar daughter board to my bootleg. Interestingly if nothing else it shows how the ROMS are split and mounted on...
  20. P

    Streetfighter 2 repair...

    I recently tried the Varth2b ROM but still no moving output just still garbled graphics I'm afraid! Is there a mask ROM chip on the board that could be pulled and read that would give away the identity of the correct version the board is meant for?