Search results

  1. C

    Toshiba Tri Sync (PBxx, PDxx, PExx) - Notes / Mods

    The inductor at this position of pd2367 is lost,Does anyone know the inductance value?
  2. C

    Hello, everyone. I'm from China.

    i like act,stg,ftg, wait. however FTG played badly
  3. C

    Finally got a Dreamcast MGCD up and running in my cab.

    hi I have a bare board,This IC is marked wii ‘ghsot square’ I connected it to the Super Nintendo host,Lift pin 27 and 28, and the console still cannot be used。 I try to modify Super Nintendo Controller touch but only one key to work,I think the console is determined by these two IC decisions, Is...
  4. C

    Hello, everyone. I'm from China.

    I accidentally found this place during the search. I feel that everyone is very active and enthusiastic about aecade,Of course, I am also a lover。 I am good to get be here