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  1. S

    Cabal PGM Port beta

    That is indeed very impressive. I've joined your Patreon to support this work. Has anyone tried reaching out to IGS to ask for info or original docs on PGM development?
  2. S

    Cabal PGM Port beta

    Wow! Are there any dev tools for IGS PGM or did you disassemble code from the arcade ROM, tweak it manually and re-assemble it?
  3. S

    IGS PGM + RetroTINK 5X Screen curl?

    I've reproduced the curl with both TimeHarvest (component video into the RetroTINK 5X) and HAS (SCART) superguns. I recently purchased a Shogun Ultra but I haven't had time to break it out yet. I'm still doing some testing but I've managed to almost completely eliminate the curl with a...
  4. S

    IGS PGM + RetroTINK 5X Screen curl?

    I'm noticing the same screen curl issue as well with my HAS 4.1 a RetroTINK 5X (firmware 2.39). Setting LPF to "strong" does not improve the image, for me. I don't have Ketsui but I've reproduced this with several "Beat 'em Up" games and Demon Front. The only thing I've found to improve the...
  5. S

    Home Arcade System

    Looks correct to me. It's on page 10 of the manual.
  6. S

    Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

    Please add me to the list: schmosef
  7. S

    Home Arcade System

    Please put me on the list for a HAS when available. Thanks @RGB