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  1. k1701

    CPS2 Power Supply issue(UPDATE)

    Thanks for the well wishes, lt is much calmer, turns out the whole attempted coup was just a red herring by the government.lts a sensitive issue because there was a coup in 1990. I'm glad to get back into the arcade hobby,getting my CPS 2 Darksoft working properly, Once again Thanks for the...
  2. k1701

    CPS2 Power Supply issue(UPDATE)

    Hello Everyone, just a Quick update on my CPS2 issue,I dropped troubleshooting on my CPS2 darksoft ,due to other things cropping up (including an attempted coup in my country,and a very near miss with Hurricane Beryl ) I was able to figure out what caused the screen jumping,turns out the the...
  3. k1701

    CPS2 Power Supply issue(UPDATE)

    Hello GoldenGlover, will try what you described and get back with findings, Thanks for responding
  4. k1701

    CPS2 Power Supply issue(UPDATE)

    Hey , thanks for the response,was hoping it was a power supply issue, l still have the working Peter Chou supply and a new fan for it
  5. k1701

    CPS2 Power Supply issue(UPDATE)

    Hello mathewbeall, thanks for the response, The 5v is tested at 5.1, l raised it to that level The A board I'm using as had no problems,the B board had no issues I tried the darksoft board with another CPS2 B boards, no issues I IMHO , that barring any issues with the A and B boards , the...
  6. k1701

    CPS2 Power Supply issue(UPDATE)

    Hello everyone, l have a cps2 board with the darksoft champion edition installed. I had a Peter Chou power supply ,(USP-11-150X )wasnt working and installed and 16A Arcade Switching Power Supply, 133 Watt, 110-220V as well as a Gonbes 8200 vga adapter It was working properly...
  7. k1701

    Best power supply and wattage for Hyper Neogeo64

    Update, Hello nem, tDRG and notsonic. Been running the HNG 64 with no problems so far,voltage is ok , the rgb vga adapter is stable at the 480 resolution Once again thanks everyone!
  8. k1701

    Where to buy Neogeo MVS Jamma harness?

    Update, Hello all I got through with the rewiring of the mvs harness, I double checked all the connectors to make sure they correspond to the mvs connection order Everything is working! Thanks notsonic, and neo-alec!
  9. k1701

    Where to buy Neogeo MVS Jamma harness?

    Hello notsonic, thanks for the response,I checked out twisted quarter, the harness would have been perfect,no rewiring. I'm going to rewire a standard harness and rewire and triple check my harness I got from atomic market and see how it goes. I will check twisted quarter occasionally for when...
  10. k1701

    Where to buy Neogeo MVS Jamma harness?

    Hello Neo Alec,thanks for the response, the link you sent me is the same one from amazon, diy arcade. You're right I'll rewire a standard harness or recheck and rewire the aforementioned harness. Was hoping that there were other suppliers(that l wasn't aware of)of properly wired mvs harnesses...
  11. k1701

    Where to buy Neogeo MVS Jamma harness?

    Hello everyone ,was trying to find a neo mvs jamma harness for a Mv4 fs board,l got one from amazon...
  12. k1701

    Best power supply and wattage for Hyper Neogeo64

    Also tDRg and nem thanks for the help and season greetings!
  13. k1701

    Best power supply and wattage for Hyper Neogeo64

    Hello not sonic, thanks for the response, your questions got me rfocusing on the power supply and the rgb /vga adapter I tested the +5 and and readings were +5 I fired up the HNG64 again and saw that the video was cutting on and off, not crashing. Was definitely a adapter issue. I checked...
  14. k1701

    Best power supply and wattage for Hyper Neogeo64

    Hello nem,i measured the + 5 v,it was 5.1 at first then l adjusted it to 5.0 exactly
  15. k1701

    Best power supply and wattage for Hyper Neogeo64

    Hey,thanks for the response, l did wire up my 133 watt power supply, The game boots up with no problems, but when l coin up, and press buttons during gameplay,the game goes blank Also, I have a gbs 8200 rgb to vga...
  16. k1701

    Best power supply and wattage for Hyper Neogeo64

    Hello All,l recently acquired a HGN 64 fighting board ,l am uncertain of the wattage needed for the power supply. l have a 133 watt power supply in my cps 1, 2,3 and neogeo 1 slot which work with no issues. Also l have a 150watt supply in my neogeo mv4. I think with the l/O board in the HNG64...
  17. k1701

    replacing scsi cd-rom drive with scsi sd card adapter?

    Sir,l followed your instructions and was successful, thank you!
  18. k1701

    Power supply for CPS 3

    Hey Buddy C,Thanks for the response! I wanted to confirm the wattage in case if l damaged the board. I never expected to get a CPS 3 board , l was able to get one locally as part of a package deal! Once again thanks man!
  19. k1701

    Power supply for CPS 3

    Hello all, I recently got a CPS 3 board with the Darksoft BIOS cart and the SCSI drive, I would like to know what is the wattage on the power supply needed for the CPS 3. Can l use my existing power supply which l use on my CPS 2? (133 watts,16A @ 5v, 4A at 12v,) Thanks!
  20. k1701

    Problems with MV4 4 slot board

    Hi, thanks for answering, l got a jamma harness which is preconfigured for the Neogeo 2,4,6 slot boards, which is known to be is different from standard jamma, eg, stereo instead of mono. Attached is a example of the harness I'm using.l tested the test wire for with multimeter, it's working...