Search results

  1. the_knives

    FOUND Net dimm

    I am looking for a Net dimm 256mb for my Naomi 1. Alternatively, if some would sell a complete kit (multi-bios, zero key, pi, etc), I would also be interested.
  2. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    I actually never considered connecting my WII to the Jammaizer. This is a nice list of games to check out:
  3. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    Anyone familiar with this? It almost sounds too good to be true
  4. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    Great to hear! I still use DVDs with my PS2, but have been thinking about a better solution. Did you research the options to run PS2 games from HDD or SD-card? Is FreeMCBoot the best option out there, or are there also alternatives?
  5. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    @RealMFnG This is a really good find. Improving upon the Jammaizer's original design. It does make me wonder why the SCART2ARC 3.0 still has a slight visual edge over the Jammaizer. Any thoughts?
  6. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    For those who plan to use their PS2 with the Jammaizer, it is nice to know that you can force some arcade-type PS2 games to play in 240p to enjoy those lovely scanlines. Also good if you are sensitive to the flickering of 480i. This can be achieved by hex-editing the PS2 iso. It is super easy...
  7. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    Another fascinating project. You try it out and satisfy your curiosity. We learn from that and perhaps try it as well once you got the kinks ironed out
  8. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    Thanks @RealMFnG , very clear information. Saves me the effort of trying to chase the PS360+. There is one thing I still don't fully understand after reading all pages of this thread (yes I really did it). This concerns the stacking of the PCBs. In my case, I want to mainly play PS2 and Xbox...
  9. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    thanks @meybarra It is indeed a fascinating idea, but you are of course right about the issue of the screen ratio. Maybe that can be addressed as well, but that is a rabbit hole I am not chasing at this point. Let me first get the Jammaizer up and running!
  10. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    A thought occurred to me, probably extremely stupid, but here you go. A Ps4 can output at 480p. Would it be possible to use (low latency) hdmi to scart converter to connect it via the Jammaizer to one's cabinet?
  11. the_knives

    WTB Akishop P360+

    WTB Akishop P360+ Actually, I need it 2x. Anyone got a few left? thanks
  12. the_knives

    Available Now! Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    I want to use the Jammaizer mainly for PS2 & Xbox360. Suppose I could find a PS360+ somewhere. Would that not be a better option than getting a Brook Retro Board + Brook Universal Fighting Board? Or does the PS360+ have poorer build quality somehow (e.g. input lag, auto-detection)? Question...
  13. the_knives

    WTB Wanted: Jammacon

    If you are a handy type, which I am not, you could build the Jammacon yourselves. Shane has made everything open source
  14. the_knives

    WTB Wanted: Jammacon

    Thanks, a buddy also pointed out the Jammaizer (which also is sold out) is a good alternative for the Jammacon. I think I will rather be patient than go for the Aliexpress route. I already envision drinking beers while friends while blasting away at the Astro with Time Crisis and Point Blank....
  15. the_knives

    WTB Wanted: Jammacon

    hey thanks! The Aliexpress link doesn't work on my computer for some reason. Is it this one...
  16. the_knives

    WTB Wanted: Jammacon

    I am looking for a Jammacon to play PS2 games on my Astro. Is there someone with an unused unit lying around? Thanks