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  1. beast1x5

    ZN1 Bios <V2> board arrives!

    (Alucard voice) I’m interested in this. More specifically the zn2 multi
  2. beast1x5

    FS Large arcade collection for sale

    @NikoletatosG excellent , thanks very much!
  3. beast1x5

    FS Large arcade collection for sale

    I'm interested in buying super world court but shipping to NYC is unavailable :(
  4. beast1x5

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    lookin good. I'll wait until they hit highscoresaves to scoop for sure
  5. beast1x5

    A Freeware Taito TypeX Multigame

    Type x2 has the nesica x live versions working , can't say the same about type x tbh
  6. beast1x5

    Everten Taito F3 IO Board (Stereo Audio + CPS2 kick)

    installed mine today. came out great
  7. beast1x5

    WTB Daraku Tenshi The Fallen Angels PCB

    good luck on the hunt dude! I'm still waiting on the alleged console port which was announced a while ago
  8. beast1x5

    Everten Taito F3 IO Board (Stereo Audio + CPS2 kick)

    Nice!! im standing by for this one
  9. beast1x5

    Everten Taito F3 IO Board (Stereo Audio + CPS2 kick)

    @KalessinDB thanks a bunch! , Hey @everten i don't have access to a 3d printer so I'd definitely be buying your riser when these are available
  10. beast1x5

    Everten Taito F3 IO Board (Stereo Audio + CPS2 kick)

    will this fit with the current lions3 plexi? if so , count me in for one
  11. beast1x5

    DARKSOFT New CPSIII Ultra Simms! 8 times the size of a regular SIMM

    im down for just a spin dial switch I can mount to the side/top of my TRFightstick case.
  12. beast1x5

    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    many people really like the arranged soundtracks for various titles
  13. beast1x5

    Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

    Yeah Bob always puts good arcade hardware on notice in all of his podcasts despite people believing he's biased and gets paid for reviews which he doesn't.
  14. beast1x5

    Escarioth's Aluminum Cases

    Yup that's a massive want.. especially if black is a selectable option
  15. beast1x5

    Axun Workshop - JVS / JAMMA Control-Box(CBOX) SuperGun

    The cbox eliminates the need for an I/O board as a whole. So you can just connect the VGA cable between the Naomi and the cbox VGA port in the back of it
  16. beast1x5

    Axun Workshop - JVS / JAMMA Control-Box(CBOX) SuperGun

    There's a PCB that connects to the jamma looking in port on the back of the cbox , just connect the VGA cable from there to the naomi and you should be able to get RGB off of it
  17. beast1x5

    Capcom ZN Conversion/Multi Interest Thread

    -glares at my tgm + ex2 plus boards-