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  1. semi-simple

    PICKnMIX Fix: A tiny PCB for Neo Geo that automatically enables PICKnMIX on Universe Bios 4.0

    Yes, I can update even the bootloader from USB. However I can so far only do that after I have transitioned the bootloader to micronucleus once (and then I can update the bootloader however I want). It is possible to update the original Trinket purely via USB, without the use of an ICSP...
  2. semi-simple

    PICKnMIX Fix: A tiny PCB for Neo Geo that automatically enables PICKnMIX on Universe Bios 4.0

    Yep! I think this is what I said above and which you quote. Pulling up is only necessary if testing standalone.
  3. semi-simple

    PICKnMIX Fix: A tiny PCB for Neo Geo that automatically enables PICKnMIX on Universe Bios 4.0

    Also please let me know if you'd like me to make a pull request for these changes. They're more of a matter of taste than necessary, which is why I didn't ask before. I'm also happy to more clearly link to your original project in the README, for people who don't use GitHub much and don't see...
  4. semi-simple

    PICKnMIX Fix: A tiny PCB for Neo Geo that automatically enables PICKnMIX on Universe Bios 4.0

    Perhaps it is mostly tested while soldered to the Neo Geo (which will pull this line high) ? I saw this problem while testing it isolated and on its own (not ni a Neo Geo). Although I didn't try it on the LED pin (pin 1), it's possible that this pin is set up differently.
  5. semi-simple

    PICKnMIX Fix: A tiny PCB for Neo Geo that automatically enables PICKnMIX on Universe Bios 4.0

    Thanks for all the work here! A few remarks: - I'm surprised that PIN 1 has a reliable state (i.e. that digitalRead(PNW_DISABLE) will reliably return "HIGH" when not connected), since there doesn't seem to be a pull up resistor. I wonder if something is setting this PIN (which is the LED pin)...
  6. semi-simple

    Minigun Supergun - An Open Source Supergun

    Additional thing to try: Disable the LPF of the THS7374. To do that, you have to put the switch on the Minigun to "ON" (because of a mistake in the Minigun)
  7. semi-simple

    Minigun Supergun - An Open Source Supergun

    It's possible that an out-of-spec resistor will create sync issues, but the OSSC being pretty forgiving it's fairly unlikely (unless it is widely out of spec). Assuming you're using the AV3 input of the OSSC, make sure that you select RGBS for sync (i.e. "6" on the OSSC remote). What source are...
  8. semi-simple

    Backporch: a Swiss tool for classic consoles connectivity

    I added links for where to source cables here. Contributions welcome!
  9. semi-simple

    Backporch: a Swiss tool for classic consoles connectivity

    (Not technically "Arcade", but it supports Superguns, so hopefully that's still on topic) I wanted to introduce my open-source project, Backporch: I created this project to address one of my pet peeves: retro console cables can be difficult to source...
  10. semi-simple

    Minigun Supergun - An Open Source Supergun

    I'm doing something similar with a MVS MV1C: I only supply 5V. I actually use a barrel jack for that instead of microUSB. Those microUSB connectors are super fragile, I wouldn't really recommend it. If you really want to use a USB charger, you can still find USB to barrel jack cables easily...
  11. semi-simple

    Minigun Supergun - An Open Source Supergun

    @Frank_fjs, I just noticed something and it's surprising that I would be the first one to report it. The LPF On/Off switch is wrong (I'm using the DIN8 version of the board): it's on when the switch is left (i.e. the bypass pin on the THS7374 is to ground) and off when the switch is right (i.e...
  12. semi-simple

    Open Source USB2DB15 for Supergun adapter

    Very cool! Do you expect to make more batches? Did you consider contacting the DaemonBite shop to see if they would consider carrying this? I would love to see a "productionized" version, with a 3D printed shell etc.
  13. semi-simple

    Minigun Supergun - An Open Source Supergun

    I have a question regarding the design of the Minigun 2.5 (I'm using the Mini DIN 8 version). Overall, it's pretty fantastic, thanks for making it! But I'm surprised there is no way to control the sync voltage level (via a potentiometer, like RGB for instance). My understanding is that R10/R11...
  14. semi-simple

    Minigun Supergun - An Open Source Supergun

    Thank you! I actually figured it out and had edited my post accordingly. So for those who wonder what this reply is about: I couldn't figure out what the other side of the momentary switches was connected to.
  15. semi-simple

    Minigun Supergun - An Open Source Supergun

    I've almost finished building my first minigun. Thanks so much for this!
  16. semi-simple

    Minigun Supergun - An Open Source Supergun

    I'm looking forward to building my first Minigun! I just ordered the parts and the stereo jack was out of stock, so I replaced it with Digi-Key part SC2405-ND (manufacturer part 35RAPC4BHN3), which I believe will work. Just wanted to let people know, in case anyone is in the same boat.