
  1. Galan

    FOUND ¥‎100 Japanese Yen coins

    Hey all! I’m looking for at least $100 USD of 100 Japanese Yen coins for our Gacha machines! My friend and I bought 4 late 90’s to 00’s YUJIN Slim-Boys and we are setting them up in our store and have fixed them up. But because their so old and other complications we decided 100 yen coins...
  2. rfsup

    WTB Naomi Games and Accessories - Just starting a repair

    Just bought a broken Naomi motherboard, for the exercise of learning the repair. My goal is to assemble the parts I need to start repairing. Then: Add Net-boot support. Looking for (in order): Any verified working game cartridge (honestly, just want a way to verify once I have the motherboard...