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Lemony Vengeance

Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
Mormon Mecca
Hid the original post under the spoiler.. Turns out I'm still having issues and I blame my revision 3 board for not having a second socket on top of it. gotta figure out what's going on :/

Hey all, Just a quick post to let you know what I was going through, and how I fixed it.

I noticed that when assembled, the board would eventually exhibit vertical graphical glitches. after trial and error, I discovered that it was due to the far right of the right hand connector

becoming lifted, so an occasional press to that side would temporarily resolve the issue.

after further investigation, I discovered it was a lot of pressure was placed on this side of the board due to the interconnect PCB:

My solution was to Loosen the interconnect PCB and level it out, then add a support under the MultiPCB (just above the interconnect PCB) in the form of a section of hot glue stick and thus far, it's working quite well.

I'm not sure if anyone has pinged Darksoft or mitsurugi about this, but I'm sure that this has happened to others before.
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This is the first we have heard about it. If anyone else has this problem please let us know. If this is a problem for some people then I guess you could just replace the interconnect with a cable. But as I said this is the first we have heard about it out of hundreds of kits.
This is the first we have heard about it. If anyone else has this problem please let us know. If this is a problem for some people then I guess you could just replace the interconnect with a cable. But as I said this is the first we have heard about it out of hundreds of kits.
yeah I don't think this is gonna be a widespread issue.. My B-Board was also really weird in that it only had one socket soldered to the top.

a related question.. have you thought about putting a support under the kit, just above the interconnect socket?