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Good questions and bad questions to ask, Average wait time, links to manuals (which will answer most questions ppl have about cabs), that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Added "shipping not included, EVER", with reasons. I'm eventually going to put together a basic buyer's guide that is easy to reference as well. As before, open to suggestions what other good info there is to add.
From what I've seen (from people asking questions about my rhythm cabs that I got from you), some people are unsure of what "private server" means in regards to the music cabs. Could be helpful to include a blurb on explaining what it entails and how you furnish access to the appropriate resources to get them started.

Also, at least in the way of Vewlixes, I've at least pointed people to helpful threads / Facebook groups for whatever they want to do to their cabs, whether its going the PC route, replacing the monitor, etc. etc. I've gone as far as to provide a list of URLs parts-wise (for people wanting to just go the Steam / BigBox / LaunchBox route).

If you want, I could get a Google Doc up on that for you so you have something to defer people to (and hopefully tone down a lot of the FAQs you probably get in that case).
I always send people to AO wiki or Hard Candy or other resources or provide my own if they seem pretty new to all this.
I get to deal with a lot of new blood and I have no issues helping them or writting things out as long as they take time to actually listen :P

Certain specific things like terms or instructions for things, I just have templates saved at this point in google drive and its like a 5 second copy paste and then follow up any additional questions after.
Note added that I don't cherry-pick/jump the line just because someone wants to pay more. Everyone deserves a fair chance, and nobody likes getting skipped just because someone else has more money. Wealth grants power, but not here.
Note added that I don't cherry-pick/jump the line just because someone wants to pay more. Everyone deserves a fair chance, and nobody likes getting skipped just because someone else has more money. Wealth grants power, but not here.
Seriously, I’m sure all of your customers appreciate hearing that.


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Note added that I don't cherry-pick/jump the line just because someone wants to pay more. Everyone deserves a fair chance, and nobody likes getting skipped just because someone else has more money. Wealth grants power, but not here.
I am so happy you said this Cereth! This is exactly why you are an awesome seller! This definitely means a lot more than you know. More money does not mean you consider them over someone mid conversation. This is why I have purchased cabs from you with no issues:)
Note added that I don't cherry-pick/jump the line just because someone wants to pay more. Everyone deserves a fair chance, and nobody likes getting skipped just because someone else has more money. Wealth grants power, but not here.
Whats funny is it happens kinda more often than you expect not super dupe often but it happens. Ill get people that say well I can pay you even more if you give me the very best one of the litter or ill pay you double for the perfect cab because I know you can find a perfect example.

And im like sorry its not how I handle these. Also logistically it becomes a nightmare to.
Stopping all sales of ES3s. They are being unacceptably unreliable, not comfortable sending them out. They are an enormous pain in the ass to work on, and it's sucking up too much time/energy.
Stopping all sales of ES3s. They are being unacceptably unreliable, not comfortable sending them out. They are an enormous pain in the ass to work on, and it's sucking up too much time/energy.
Concerning! What's the deal with them? GPU or other?
Just whatever goes wrong, it’s a hassle to remotely support, and things seem to like going wrong. Those things always run hot. I’ve just got a lot of them on the bench for dumping/RE an stuff too, and I’m really, REALLY exhausted with messing with them
Updated to note that I don't take payment plans, partial payment with full upon delivery, etc. Repeated correlation between that and people being very troublesome, cancelling orders, etc. Also it just takes cash to keep this running, and many things, there's people waiting in line to pay in full, I gotta operate a business