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Oct 12, 2015
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Brooklyn, New York
Hi guys. Just looking for some feedback about a project that I am going to be undertaking. Forgive me if I put this in the wrong forum but there was no model 3 specific forum. Has anyone ever ran a model 3 on a supergun setup? I am going to be doing so and have a general idea of what to do but if someone is done it before and cares to add 2 cents I'd appreciated :). I am going to crimp a female atx connector to the harness to get the 12V, 5V, and 3.3V and ground lines, for controls I am going to use DB15 female screw terminals and for video I will use a gonbes 8200. I will also be streaming so the VGA out I will use to hook up directly to my capture card. I hope someone out there is done this before and can help steer me in the right direction.

I've done a bit of research on Model 3 for my Virtual On OT setup...

the Model 3 board has a VGA style connector for video output already so you really shouldn't need to do anything special cable wise. it is medium resolution so you'll need the goonbes. There are 4 audio output channels across 2 separate 4-pin connectors. it's line level audio so you'll still need an amp.

Other than the VGA connector and the optical ports for networking all of the connectors on the filter-board use JST "NH" series connectors, finding the pinout for VF shouldn't be that difficult.

Power connectors are a pain in the ass on the Model 3. I don't know what the actual draw is on the Model 3 but the Model 3 PSU outputs a pretty hefty 12Amp on the 3.3V line (7Amp on the +5V line) So you'll want a 200W ATX PSU or better.

But the biggest problem is that those NH series connectors only support up to 22ga wire (rated at 3A per pin), which means that you'll need to use at least 4 wires for 3.3V power or risk your harness becoming a fire hazard.
For the power connectors Sega uses 8 wires for +3.3V, 11 wires for +5V, and 14 ground wires.

This guy built an ATX to Model 3 power supply adapter: http://cwispy.com/sega-psu-to-atx-psu-adapter/ it has the correct connectors to plug into a normal model 3 harness and heavy duty traces to handle the current. Unfortunately it's nearly as expensive as just picking up a used Model 3 PSU.
Thanks a bunch man, did not expect such a quick reply. I've done my own power adapter for Naomi 2 supergun setup I have and still have left over atx female connector and crimps. When I do the adapter I plan on using every single pin on the power lines, grounds and all. I will probably be using my PSU that I use for the naomi 2 also which is a 450W 80 plus gold rated atx psu. A little over kill but better safe than sorry :), the gonbes I will use for the players to see on a lcd monitor but I will use the VGA connector to pass the signal to my capture card. Luckily I was able to pick up the original blast city harness for this game from here http://www.fillmoregames.com/parts_600-6738-20.html , this is the one I will be cutting and crimping to get power and video. For sound I used these http://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-RCA-M...181816?hash=item5b1197c078:g:S~oAAOSwPgxVS4RE with a rca audio amp. Thanks again for the quick reply :).
hey cruz! I haven't posted on vfdc in a bit so don't worry if you donno who the hell this is :) but I dig your streams and all I hope this means NYCVF will be streaming VF3 soon :) not alot of decent quality footage of nice VF3 play.

good luck dood
Sure think man soon as them parts come in I will stream some VF3 for you gusy :).
For connecting Virtua Fighter 3, I use the same control harness as Virtua Fighter 2 but with an added wire for button 4 (wire just gets added on the empty hole of the connector).

When I had purchased my Virtua Fighter 3 board, the seller had included a custom adapter to connect the system to a standard JVS power supply since it had the needed 3.3v that the power supply I use for the original 2 Virtua Fighter games lacks.

For audio I use the same 4 pin jst nh to composite audio cable that came with my Virtua Fighter 2 board as this board does not extra channels or audio boards.

Of course video is just vga off of the filter board to the GBS8200 since my monitor does not support sync on green which is what the board uses if switched to 31hz.