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For Sale
The original price was in CAD, so that maps to $3750 USD for us Americans.

Anyway... the prices are what they are. People pay what they wanna pay. I don't think getting hung up on the reality of prices in the hobby is productive for anybody, and it's certainly not useful for this thread.

Congrats to buyer & seller!
The original price was in CAD, so that maps to $3750 USD for us Americans.

Anyway... the prices are what they are. People pay what they wanna pay. I don't think getting hung up on the reality of prices in the hobby is productive for anybody, and it's certainly not useful for this thread.

Congrats to buyer & seller!
Thank you Kazuo. Never had the intention of selling this kit in the first place. Yeah, the price policing going on in this thread is kinda weird. If I can, I would def keep it.

IRL stuff came up and I am now placed in an awkward situation where I have to pay medical bills for a relative. So if you are thinking I'm doing this for personal gain, you're mistaken.

I did research on how much these kits sold in the past like:

This one was sold at the end of 2021

And that one person who made a WTB post for ~6K USD recently on Arcade Otaku (https://forum.arcadeotaku.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=44560)
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@ImportantBet I'd asked earlier in the thread and it got missed: what is the final price on the sale? Site rules require it be placed in the first post.
All I meant was $3200 would have been an amazing price. So I don’t agree it went up 2200 in a few weeks
Wow! That's quite the sale..

"Should I save for the down payment of my house or buy some CAVE carboard?"

lol. I need to get my groovymame setup
All I meant was $3200 would have been an amazing price. So I don’t agree it went up 2200 in a few weeks

He bought it for ~$3800 USD from brendz in October and now sold it for $6300. Paypal fees are around 300.

What are you not agreeing on?
Shoot, I must have misread then. Forgot it was in CAD and got all mixed up myself :/

Sorry for the spam @ImportantBet
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He bought it for ~$3800 USD from brendz in October and now sold it for $6300. Paypal fees are around 300.

What are you not agreeing on?
I didn’t understand that. I thought you meant another sale unrelated