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Apr 20, 2019
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Well it's a virtual project lol

CPS 2 Intro

Doing a twelve parter on the CPS 2 - starting with hardware overview and whatnot

I'd love feedback. Let me know what you think. It's probably the most mainstream hardware platform I've shown on my channel to date, and it was all done on real hardware (capturing all the games for the ten game based episodes was quite the chore lol)
That was a very cool intro to CPS2...Great presentation, Your voice was on point and the music was very good :thumbsup:
That was a very cool intro to CPS2...Great presentation, Your voice was on point and the music was very good :thumbsup:
Glad you liked it! The tech part of talking about the hardware was especially fun. Capcom did so man weird things with their hardware compared to other companies of the time. Their engineering department must have been "fuck it, lets do it totally different" at basically every decision point!
Just watched E1 - loved it! Editing and sound were very clean, your narration was really good as well. I did have to watch that first episode twice - the first time, the technical description flew by so quick! Probably just a "me" thing, though. Subscribed for sure!
IJust watched E1 - loved it! Editing and sound were very clean, your narration was really good as well. I did have to watch that first episode twice - the first time, the technical description flew by so quick! Probably just a "me" thing, though. Subscribed for sure

It’s always hard to decide how much time to dedicate to the technical aspects. They are super interesting to me but sometimes I worry I run too long on them haha
I've watched your videos and really enjoyed them. I've known progear to be a gem on the cps2 but had not actually made time to play it.

This video made me play it last night and wow! What an awesome game.

Great job
I've watched your videos and really enjoyed them. I've known progear to be a gem on the cps2 but had not actually made time to play it.

This video made me play it last night and wow! What an awesome game.

Great job
Glad you played it! That's my ultimate goal...get people to play things!

AvP and Armored Warrior combo episode. I wanted to showcase the well known “hits” for the hardware and also show off some of the lesser talked about games like Armored Warrior.

Do me a favor and watch and sub. Ten subs from 1200, and I like round numbers lolol