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Dec 15, 2019
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Laurel, MD
Hey everyone,

Any chance someone also owns a GC cab and knows how to disable the time limits for selections? Lots of friends wanting to hear the song selections but are forced to pick a song when time is running out- thanks! Still learning my way around the cabinet!
Cab is on my wish list.

post some drooling pictures please :)
I will tomorrow! Taking it apart piece by piece to clean first for pics :)
if it's the same as the konami cabs if you go to the test menu there should be a option that says event and game choice event
That’s what I thought too but nope, not sure how others have been able to do it- perhaps a config edit when attached to a PC?
isn’t that part of the fun to be forced to select under pressure? I never looked into it though, I am still working through the whole freaking list - so many songs!
Haha sure, but lots of my friends who don't play and come over like to browse the songs to pick one they like! It's nice to be casual about it too :)

Also, do you own a cab too?
Haha sure, but lots of my friends who don't play and come over like to browse the songs to pick one they like! It's nice to be casual about it too :)

Also, do you own a cab too?
Yes, see my signature ;) , a GC3 - great machine!

The LCD screens tend to stop working due to the LEDs, I can recommend to buy a pair (you only need 2) from here: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/32712245187.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.5b313c00yCX30V&mp=1 once yours goes too. You can replace it yourself (use at least 2 people!)
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