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Aug 2, 2020
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Hi all,
Someone linked me to a thread in this forum but I received Access Denied, so I joined up in order to view it. So here I am.

Before I say much more, I wish to know the prevailing attitude of members to emulation. Like it? Hate it? I'd rather know beforehand rather than getting off on the wrong foot.

Thanks! :)
Welcome..,we have no hate here for emulators or LCD vs CRT; game on whatever fits your needs.,a lot of helpful and knowledgeable people here and willing to offer their 2 cents.
Not judgy at all, but you will get responses from people on their point of view :D

I myself started down the path of using a Mister FPGA, and also had a buddy build me a dedicated mame pc for use in my vewlix cab.

Play on whatever you like, whatever your budget, doesnt matter, as long as YOU like the experience.
Many members here contribute to MAME. Some others have built or contributed to other emulators. I’d say everyone here likes original hardware in some way or the other but that doesn’t mean we dislike emulation. Emulation is a primary means of preservation and documentation, testing something new, attempting modification/hacks on original hardware, and playing/experiencing something that might be rare or just out of your budget. Lot of folks are very excited about FPGA here too, as hardware emulation.

But if someone is fawning over some laggy rpi running ancient roms stuffed in a cheap LDF box with an awful scaler on a crappy lcd... we will certainly point out that your experience has room for improvement. And not that we dislike it, but a lot of discussion about build-your-own-cabinet-from-scratch happens elsewhere.