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Aug 11, 2020
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I recently got an st-v with Virtua Fighter Remix. For some reason this has been the most finicky cart I’ve ever had in regards to getting it working. Almost all the time the cart gets past the patent screen and then either stays at a black screen or displays the game with no 3d models. Is this a voltage thing? All the cart and system tests come back good when it loads and I’ve cleaned the game and cart slot with ipa at least 5 times. Any ideas on how to get this to work or is this issue common? Thanks for any help
It shouldn't be so troublesome. Open the cartridge and remove and reinsert the socketed EPROM. You should take the opportunity to clean the socket itself.
It's a gamebit. The same type used for Genesis cartridges, I think.
Well, I’ve now gotten it all fixed up. It took lots of cleaning, and opening up the cartridge but now it works 9/10 times!
if your mobo is missing the tabs on the sides of the cartridge slot, make sure the cart is inserted straight, and not at any sort of an angle.

Even if it's ever-so-slightly off, it can cause glitches.