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Feb 12, 2016
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northern NJ - about 30min from NYC
Hey folks,

I got in a spare TTX2. With the 12v power connected (4pin molex connector), the TTX2 doesnt power on. With the 12v disconnected it powers on (fans spin, etc.). I dont get video (onboard or the video card) in either case, though.

I already swapped out the below with known working replacements:

Power supply

And I tried booting with and without the video card, and also with and without the JVS card connected to the motherboard.

But the same thing happens: with 12v connected, no power on/no video. With 12v disconnected it powers on/no video.

I intend on swapping out the video card from a working TTX2 (but I cant even get onboard video, so I dont think this would do anything).

Does anyone have any pointers? The last thing I can swap out would be the CPU.
When you say the "4pin molex connector", are you referring to the 4pin "2x2" connector next to the processor?

You are either looking at a dead mobo or dead CPU. Next step would be to swap the CPU since they're cheap.

Good Luck!
yep, the 2x2 pin connector near the CPU.

Thanks - I will try the CPU swap.

If it ends up being the mobo, has anyone been able to get another non-TTX2 mobo to work? Or anything to try there?
I dont know if anyone has tried a non-TTX2 mobo. I know you can buy the replacement mobo's as they where produced by Toshiba for industrial use, and where used in other applications. Problem is, they are ridiculously expensive. Like its cheaper to just buy a new X2.

In theory one could make a multigame drive for normal motherboards and you could just use the JVS card/Video card from the X2.
In theory one could make a multigame drive for normal motherboards and you could just use the JVS card/Video card from the X2.
mmm... is there nothing special in the TX2 BIOS?

By the way.. I had a TX2 Board with exactly the same symptoms as the OP and was just a faulty CPU
I've read that the drives dont boot in normal PCs. I've never tried it.
Original drives do boot in VMs so in theory they should boot in a normal PC.

In theory you should be able to use a standard MB with the same chipset just the com port must be the same. Which i think is com 0 this is what windows reports as com 0 not com 0 on the board.

i think i have a MB that has the same chipset. if i get time ill hunt it down and run some tests.
One of my TX2 (a converted satellite) havs a PCI I/O Instead of the serial I/O

Mmmm I guess I would have to try with a normal motherboard. If it works that would be awesome :)

@edit: the pci I/O is also connected to the MB, well I will try it anyway :)
Original drives do boot in VMs so in theory they should boot in a normal PC.

In theory you should be able to use a standard MB with the same chipset just the com port must be the same. Which i think is com 0 this is what windows reports as com 0 not com 0 on the board.

i think i have a MB that has the same chipset. if i get time ill hunt it down and run some tests.

The JVS card needs to be connected to COM2.
That's the PCI I/O

where do the 2 cables connect to on the MB.

Edit: i think the back half is an ide controller connected to th pci slot. while the front half is JVS which connects via serial.
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Interesting. That card doesnt have the SPDIF TOSLINK connector.

The top connector probably goes to serial, and the bottom goes to front panel, would be my guess.
One goes to the serial and the other one goes to front panel header, that's correct :)
In theory one could make a multigame drive for normal motherboards and you could just use the JVS card/Video card from the X2.
mmm... is there nothing special in the TX2 BIOS?
By the way.. I had a TX2 Board with exactly the same symptoms as the OP and was just a faulty CPU
I tried a new CPU, and now it powers on with the 12v 4pin connected, but still no video (onboard or the GPU card) :( Any other ideas? Ill eventually have a buddy of mine run a scope on it to see if anything obviously is wrong with it and if it's fixable.
Original drives do boot in VMs so in theory they should boot in a normal PC.

In theory you should be able to use a standard MB with the same chipset just the com port must be the same. Which i think is com 0 this is what windows reports as com 0 not com 0 on the board.

i think i have a MB that has the same chipset. if i get time ill hunt it down and run some tests.
Let me know when you find out the model #! :)
Do you hear a single "beep" from the motherboard shortly after you power it on?
Do you hear a single "beep" from the motherboard shortly after you power it on?
Nope, no beep.

But Ill have to doublecheck later to see if maybe I forgot to reconnect the system speaker (or whatever it's called; the thing that actually makes the beep from the mobo). But if a lack of a beep points to a specific issue let me know - thanks!
Do you hear a single "beep" from the motherboard shortly after you power it on?
Nope, no beep.
But Ill have to doublecheck later to see if maybe I forgot to reconnect the system speaker (or whatever it's called; the thing that actually makes the beep from the mobo). But if a lack of a beep points to a specific issue let me know - thanks!
There shouldnt be a system speaker to disconnect. No beep means the system isnt POSTing. Make sure the memory is seated correctly, also try to remove the GPU and see if anything changes.
Ok. I compared to a spare working TTX2, and that does beep :)

Now, back to the problem TTX2 - no beep. And I again replaced all parts I could with known working parts (from one of my spares) - GPU, RAM, etc. Still no beep. So, it seems it's gonna be something with the board. At least I know I have some more spare parts (everything minus the mobo).

I appreciate all the help guys! When we eventually get around to it and get it under a scope Ill update with what the actual problem was. Thanks!