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Staff member
Jun 12, 2015
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In order to avoid getting things out of control and get people registering to the forum, we have decided to make most of the sections ONLY available for registered users. It's a 3 minute process and we also make sure that information remains not public.

I hope you guys will agree with us.
not disagreeing nor pointing flaw just putting another point of view across.

When googling for answers and i come across a forum i need to sign up to to see what was written. To me one of two things need to happen for me to sign up. either i would need a 90% assurance that my question will be answered if i sign up or I'm extremely desperate for an answer and ill try anything to get it.
not disagreeing nor pointing flaw just putting another point of view across.

When googling for answers and i come across a forum i need to sign up to to see what was written. To me one of two things need to happen for me to sign up. either i would need a 90% assurance that my question will be answered if i sign up or I'm extremely desperate for an answer and ill try anything to get it.
You know guys we do what we can to get your questions answered. Problem specifically comes from Google and similar sites. We don't want this information open 100%.
It must be only for "users" of this private club. You get me, right? Legal stuff.
Plus if anything "rare" is spotted the posted up only members will be able to see it.

Wonder if you'll get an influx of new members from certain site(s).....

I thought something had been changed as I couldn't access the site from my phone.
All good. Same old, same old, only that now is just for members
I understand not having these pages easily found by Google, but sometimes you do! Just adding my 2 cents for wanting trouble shooting information to be free.
I've logged into with my accout to the site from my iPhone and I always log in after the 1st time with no problems, even put on icon/link on my home screen for the site, no problems at all.
i'm logging from my Android phone with no problems at all.

About the main post, i've no problems.
For those wondering these are the current public/private sections:
Welcome to the Arcade-Projects Forums!!!
Arcade Projects
General Discussion
Trade/Sale Forum
3D Printing Forum

Registered Members Only:
Support Forums
Darksoft's Projects!
The Walsdawg Arcade
The Team Avalaunch Pad
Summitt Arcade
User Created Arcade Products Section

I'm ok with this as long as the Arcade Projects section remains public :) I post a lot of stuff there that I want to be available publicly and if that section goes private it would mean I'd have to post it some place else.
I like the idea of exclusivity.

I'm all for sharing my contributions, but most of what I've been able to accomplish has been due to help from members here. I see a relatively high number of downloads for the ID3 and WMMT card reader emulators I put out with very little feedback. Sure, many are probably downloading it for future use in case something happens to this site, but it's nice to at least be thanked! :)

I guess the Project Ideas thread is exclusive? That's where most of my contributions reside since I only ever start out with ideas and slowly figure out how to realize them. :D
Project Ideas is under Arcade Projects and is not locked down.
I can lock down just that section if that's what members want.
Maybe it's worth discussing what the intention of Project Ideas and Project Announcements are.

It seems to me like Project Ideas is a place for members to discuss the viability of ideas. Maybe it's a sounding board for ideas to see how viable they are and maybe it's also a platform to flesh out ideas, which is kind of how I've been using it. In either case, it seems like if you post there you're hoping for feedback from members. Any anonymous non-member isn't contributing to the conversation. Should they still be allowed to view it? If you've got something you legitimately want to share outside of the forum, maybe post in the Project Announcements thread?
I'm more of the mindset of sharing everything publicly unless there is an explicit reason not to.

As for the "project showcase" vs "project ideas" forums. I always have a difficult time picking which one is more appropriate. because most of my projects start out with just spit-balling ideas and then evolves into a more full fledged project thread. So it's almost like threads should start in the ideas forum and then get moved to the showcase forum once the reach a certain point.

Maybe it would be better if we changed the forums to simply "arcade projects" and "private arcade projects". that would allow members to decide if they want their project thread publicly viewable or not and it would remove the ambiguity between when something has reach past the point of just being an idea.
I agree with the merging of project showcase and project ideas threads. I suppose the forum owners can monitor traffic and sign-ups and if it’s hurting or helping they’ll know in a few months. Arcade forums are pretty fragmented in my experience and it seems one has to belong to three or four sites at least to get the full picture. AP is one of my daily check-ins. 😚