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Apr 9, 2016
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Oslo, Norway
DId a little testing of the mini io at friends house yesterday as he has a fancy Lindbergh, and we could for some reason not get afterburner to work properly, the analog axis were all screwed up. It looked like the 2 analog bytes was swapped, so e.g 0x8023 reported to the game, got interpreted as 0x2380. The odd thing is that outrun worked perfectly, and even weirder that the normal LIndbergh JVS input test showed the value corrctly as 0x8023. Unfortunately, we didn't have a setup to do conclusive test on it with the sega type 3 IO.

Anyone seen issues with this game from the/a multi setup, or tried it with e.g. the vewlix io? http://wiki.arcadeotaku.com/w/JVS#Taito_JVS_PCB_Ver2.00

Afterburner doesn't seem to work with a Type 3 for some reason. I could not get it to work but it works fine with a Type 1.
Interesting. i can boot it up and see what how it behaves for me.

I remember booting it once with my stock Type 1 in OR2, but it wasn't very playable in this cab. I don't recall thinking the few analog controls I did have were off in any way.

I am reporting a higher resolution on my custom I/O, though, so maybe I'll be able to confirm your suspicion when I get a chance.
Interesting - I am trying to use the S-JIHP with a Type 3 board for Afterburner Climax and the IBM flightstick and was having issues as well in that the analog controls were not responding - the buttons worked but the flight was off and only one direction. Thought it was my modifying that didn't work. Mitsurugi-W, the S-JIHP will not work with a Type 3 I/O with the IBM flightstick and Afterburner Climax? I have an extra Type I around I could try - just wanted to clarify as I was reworking the IBM flightstick thinking there was something wrong with the mod when using it with my Type 3 I/O assuming the Type 3 worked with "everything".
Same issue. It just doesn't like the Type 3 for some reason. It works fine on both the Type 1 and Type 1.5. I'm pretty sure I've used the Type 2 for it before also but don't hold me to that.

It's not an S-JIHP thing. It's a Type 3 I/O thing.
The 1.5 looks similar to the type 3 except it doesn't have the extra connector on the side. It is different than the Type 1 in that it doesn't have the huge socket chip in the middle. It functions exactly like the Type 1 though.
I made a profile for my custom I/O and made it so that byte 2 of each channel gets suppressed with zeros.

That's the only way I was even able to navigate the test menu. Otherwise it kept cycling through the menu really fast and I couldn't manage selecting the input test.

With just the first byte reported, I can successfully navigate and get expected results in the game's input tests.

I can't play it that we'll with a steering wheel and 2 pedals, though, so no clue if there are any other issues.

Edit: Actually it controls quite well with steering wheel and pedals! The pedals just have to be calibrated so that they are pushed in half way before starting calibration. All I need is to map up some controls for firing the weapons and I think I might be able to play this game now!
FYI, it looks like control stick vibration for this game might be a simple GPIO output, like the lamps are. If you have a rumble controller, you could use this to drive the rumble I would guess.
Hi :

Have you the following jvs I/o JVS I/O board 837-13551-92 and the jvs baseboard 837-14472r91?
Check afterburner manual.

Hope it helps. Mitzi is right. The I/o needs to be the older type I/o. As listed above.

Can you tell me what throttle controller your using? I need to build one myself please.
