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Apr 6, 2016
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Las Vegas
Although I have owned the ST-V multi for several months now, and I love it, I haven't messed with it too much as I was in the middle of moving.

I did the ROM and RAM tests for the ST-V board and everything is good. I have ModBios 1.11 installed as well.

One thing I have noticed is that I can't get some games to load.

I can load every game on the Multicart except for the following: (games like Print Club will even load, just can't play them)

All of the following games end up on the "error on cartridge" system assignments page.

3. Batman Forever (I know this won't have sound, but it won't even load)
13. Zenkoku Seifuku Bishojo Grand-Prix : Find Love (with cab set to 1P)
19. Karaoke Quiz Intro Don Don!
20. Pro Mahjong Kiwame S (with cab set to 1P)
21. Maru-Chan de Goo!
23. My Fair Lady : Virtual Mahjong II (with cab set to 1P)
32. Shienryu (with cab set to Vertical)
34. Steep Slope Sliders (with cab set to 1P)
44. magical Sunou Power (with cab set to 3P)
45. Micro Man Battle Charge (with cab set to 1P)
50. Stress Busters
51. Technical Bowling (with cab set to 1P)
52. Virtual Mahjong (with cab set to 1P)

I have reformatted my card and redownloaded the card image from this thread:
STV Cartridge instructions and trouble shooting

I even added the new games and they work fine except for Steep Slope Sliders.

I really only care about Shienryu and Steep Slope Sliders and maybe Batman Forever, but I would like to know if there is a problem with my board or what the deal is.

Not sure what to do... ?(

As a side note, I can get Decathlete to load and even play, but the graphics are messed up though.


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Here are the files that I have for each game, are these complete or are there files missing?

game 32 Shienryu:


game 34 Steep Slope Sliders:

decathlete not working is normal as it's encryption is not fully understood yet.

the error that you mention could be in my opinion due to one of these:

Faulty mobo --》try with a new one
Non branded or problematic microsd --》 try with a new one preferably 4gb in size

Do you have any mobo or microsd at hand?

Let us know how it goes.
Did you use a Mac to copy the files over to the SD card?
I used a PC.

Can anyone confirm that those are the only files needed, or am I missing some files as I see some numbers are missing.

game 32 Shienryu:


game 34 Steep Slope Sliders:

those are the only files I have.

but FYI you should be using the decrypted version of SSS here: New Game released. Steep Slope Sliders
the one on the original SD image is not decrypted and will have graphical issues.

Also the .txt file is only there for your benefit so you know what game is in the folder, and the .nv file is play data such as high scores.. it's only created once you start playing the game and can be deleted.
but FYI you should be using the decrypted version of SSS here: New Game released. Steep Slope Sliders

Also the .txt file is only there for your benefit so you know what game is in the folder, and the .nv file is play data such as high scores.. it's only created once you start playing the game and can be deleted.
Yep, I have the new version of SSS that Darksoft released.

It's weird that I have the .nv file as I haven't been able to load the game to play it...

I will delete both the text and .nv files and see if that does anything.

The ST-V motherboard seems to be working fine, I haven't noticed glitches with any other games.

Problem solved as I had an issue with my motherboard. Got a new one and every thing is working great!
good news and thanks for reporting back what the problem was, so others can learn. :thumbup:
i came across the same problems with exact the same games the OP mentioned. damn it...wtf is wrong with my mobo. I ran the system check and everything seems to be fine. does anyone know, whether there is already a solution for this issue?
in most cases those stv motherboards the solder fails on the sh2. Try pushing the sh2 while booting or rework the solder and see if it works better

If you want to be 100% sure get or borrow another stv mobo.