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Jul 21, 2015
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I've noticed that while a lot of the common Candy cabs have Nanao monitors, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of spare parts, cap lists, or other technical information available.

Perhaps more troubling is that there doesn't seem to be any good references for tube swaps.

Does such a reference exist? if not, we should start one.

A good guide for the 13-25" WG line run by some KLOV folks can be found here: http://junknet.net/donor-tvs

it'd be nice if we compiled a list of all known 27" arcade monitor chassis, with the following information:
-neck connector type
-yoke impedance readings
-mounting ear dimensions

Then from that identify a list of 27" consumer TVs with the same info.

it might not hurt to also include the flyback model number and links to cap lists/maps where they exist just for the sake of completeness.

Even just the list of arcade chassis with the info above would give us a good reference as to which chassis could serve as replacements for which tubes. I know I'm terrified of my MS8-29 dying since there are no flyback replacements available anymore.

I know in my personal collection I've got access to a few different 27" models.
I would love to know more about this subject as well. I've had a few monitors crap out on me.
One of the biggest issues in simply replacing the tube on a Blast City...
The stock Nanao 2930 tube (a Toshiba) isn't a pure flat, but it's also not really curved either.
I found a pretty good match in another Toshiba, but the curve was slightly different resulting in bezel gaps.

It was horrific to look at thos bezel gaps, so big at the edges I could put my pink finger between 'em.
At that point I didn't even care that the tube was working, it looked like shit in the cab body. :(

I should also mention that due to the mounting brackets on the stock Nanao, any replacement tube must be back-mounted (Roger's aka 300Wins trick) to the original Sega frame...
With a series of washers to sink the tube to the proper depth required to close the bezel in flush with the body.
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On the topic on flybacks. Are the flyback swappable between the ms2930/31/33? Is there know issue with bad yoke like what is happening with the red tent tubes? Only reason I ask, I have a necked tiube from a 2930 and was wondering if I should bother keeping the yoke
The stock Nanao 2930 tube (a Toshiba) isn't a pure flat, but it's also not really curved either.
I found a pretty good match in another Toshiba, but the curve was slightly different resulting in bezel gaps.
That's definitely a problem with certain cabs, but not all of them. and who, knows maybe we'll Id a consumer monitor with the right curvature.

I have a necked tiube from a 2930 and was wondering if I should bother keeping the yoke
always keep the yoke...

There are a lot of monitor gurus who I've seen claim you should swap it even if the donor tube meters the same.

worst case is you toss it if it ends up you don't need it.

while on the subject you should be keeping the deguass coil frame and yoke wedges as well... as those all may also need to be swapped to the donor tube.
I'm wondering if one of the trisync tubes has the same curvature as a MS9 to fit a NAC or Cyberlead without modifications...?
a good source for MS9-29s are older Model 2 Sega Twin unit cabs... Daytona USA, Virtua On, etc.
It is possible to swap 27" (USA) or 29" (World) tubes about (they are in reality 68cms as per the code on the back of the tube A68xxxx etc)

The trick comes with convergence set up with differences in the geometry of the tubes themselves

As pointed out above the MS9 tubes are curved (although sega called them flat at the time as they were nowhere near the curve on the earlier CRT monitors

Then came the 2930/1 type tubes, which have a different curve to the MS9 slightly - as the resolutions are higher with the 29xx monitors, the DYs are different to allow for the resolution

After that, the Shanghai Novelty tubes were fitted into the Naomi games etc and these were again slightly different - the tubes were dire too and had very little coating on the inside of the tube face, causing burn much earlier on in their lives than the other models.

I wouldn't rely on the inductance and resistance values being the same - always use the original DY if you have it - don't throw it away as you will probably need it - I would use the purity and convergence rings from the new tube though

I have been swapping new Orion tubes into the sega monitors of late - but there are some challenges

1 - Curve is different to the MS9 - leaving gaps on the bezel - you can use foam tape to work around that though for the Astro city etc
2 - just off boresight is a challenge to get the convergence set up - you must get the DY perfectly in place horizontally and vertically to get the best convergence setup
3 - 2930/31 setups work well also but the CRT is built differently so you have to fit the monitor bolts from the rear and use a couple of washers when fitting the tube back into the frame, otherwise the tube face sits too far forwards - fitting from the rear with the washers gets a flush face into the bezel on the Blast City perfectly
4 - 2930/1 is a pig to get convergence correct in the corners - 31 makes it easier with the digital corner adjustment but it is aligning the 3 colours in the corners which is tricky - lots of convergence strips and magnets to get the best job - allow 2 hours or so for a swap and setup

End result of a new for old tube swap is quite dramatic though - vibrant colours and much improved contrast - if you can live with the minor convergence issues it is well worth the swap and very minor issues are not usually visible in normal operation unless you are pressed up against the tube looking for them

I have a couple of vids up on the new youtube channel (along with some neo geo homebrew vids from games from the distant past

If anyone would like some data on the tubes and DYs - I have a pretty good list and it also shows which tubes had rodotron replacement chassis fitted to them - compatibility chart reallly - just joined the site but can post the info if that is permitted on here
