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Grand Master
Jul 24, 2015
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Grid Seeker - Project Storm Hammer (V1.3 O )

This one will properly enter into test mode upon first boot.
Replace .12 and .13 with the attached file. (If you do not see attachments, register an account.)

Bubble Bobble 2

Some users might have a version with bad sounds, or sound that cuts out in the introduction / after defeating bosses.
This should fix that.
Pacthed: This wil enter test mode upon first boot.



Some versions on cards may have wrong/odd sounds. This should fix that.
Patched: This wil enter test mode upon first boot.


Puzzle Bobble 2

This is a patched version of ver 2.2J :)
Stick the pbobble2j folder on your sd and you're good to go.
Patched: This wil enter test mode upon first boot.



Patched version of v0.0J
Patched: This wil enter test mode upon first boot.


Top Ranking Stars

The forgotten one.
1993/05/21 V 2.1o (new)
Untouched: Doesn't clear NVRAM on first boot. Do a factory defaults before use.


Quiz Theater (J)

The last one
Patched: This wil enter test mode upon first boot.



  • gseeker_f3_ok.zip
    300.1 KB · Views: 473
Last edited:
I probably missed it somewhere, but is there a link for a roll up pack yet?
The rollup pack isn't up yet. This fix did work for me, however. :)
Curious, if one enters TEST MODE after a reflash and does a factory reset are these patches superfluous ?

Also could someone please share the batch/cmd files so we can assemble our own ROMs ?
Correct. The patches consist of a two byte change that make the game think the test switch is pressed. For some games an extra NOP is added to skip a rom check. For one game (super cup finals) a nvram check is made to pass, which protects against upgrading a cup finals to super version with a rom swap.

No extra effort is needed to merge the roms and run them as-is on the multi.

The reason for the patches is only to help people by not needing to open the cabinet front door or control panel and press the test button. In testing we found that pretty annoying, and this change just increases the ease of use of the multi ;)
Yes, but these are tailored for my own needs and sloppy batch work :)

This is what i used for puzzle bobble 2 J

.20 = 0x00
.19 = 0x01
.18 = 0x02
.17 = 0x03

rem create the program data chunks:
rem .12 = 17+18
rem .13 = 19+20
byteshuf -s pbobble2.12 *.17 *.18
byteshuf -s pbobble2.13 *.19 *.20
To work on the code in a hexeditor i merge it all into one chunk and work on that in the xvi32 editor:

rem   To unshuffle: byteshuf [-o] -u source      [subfiles...]
rem   To shuffle:   byteshuf [-o] -s destination [subfiles...]
rem "byteshuf -u abc def0 def1"
byteshuf -s 00 *.20 *.18
byteshuf -s 01 *.19 *.17
byteshuf -s program.bin 00 01
Once done, i unmerge the chunk like this:
byteshuf -u program.bin 00_u 01_u
byteshuf -u 00_u e10-11.20 e10-09.18
byteshuf -u 01_u e10-10.19 e10-08.17
del 00_u
del 01_u
You should be able to create a few sets of games with files ending in .17 .18 .19 .20 but sometimes the naming scheme is different (ic17 ic19 etc.). You can also deduct which is 00/01/02/03 byte using pbobble2 mame src:

ROM_START( pbobble2j )
	ROM_REGION(0x200000, "maincpu", 0) /* 68020 code */
	ROM_LOAD32_BYTE("e10-11.20", 0x000000, 0x40000, CRC(b82f81da) SHA1(2cd0fb321c853497058545525f430b52c0788fb1) )
	ROM_LOAD32_BYTE("e10-10.19", 0x000001, 0x40000, CRC(f432267a) SHA1(f9778fc627773e4e254faa0ce10e68407251ce95) )
	ROM_LOAD32_BYTE("e10-09.18", 0x000002, 0x40000, CRC(e0b1b599) SHA1(99ef34b014db7c52f2ced05b2b90099a9c873259) )
	ROM_LOAD32_BYTE("e10-08.17", 0x000003, 0x40000, CRC(4ccec344) SHA1(dfb30d149dde6d8e1a117bf0bafb85178540aa58) )
Thank you for the detailed information @Asure and cool that you're using Corlett's tools :D
Added Top Ranking Stars. I had forgotten to include it. I'm stupid like that sometimes.
V2.1O (New)

I'm not a player of this game so no idea what the difference between old/new is exactly.