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Hi there.
Is there still a chance to purchase a selector LCD bundle for the STV multi card?
Thank you
do the reset wires have to be hooked up from the board and the cart to the selector in order for this to work?
Does the "game selector board" legs fits now with motherboard holes ? Same spacing
Does the "game selector board" legs fits now with motherboard holes ? Same spacing
Nope, I didn't widen it up, so that the 3D print models would still work. But as two of the legs are ok ja the others work just using double side tape or drop of hot glue. It wasn't originally meant to be installed on the board, it was just "accident" that the spacing is almost same :)
I can take more orders now for the selectors, check the sales thread for instructions. ^^
All wired up and working like a boss. :D

