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Jul 21, 2015
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So I got an Irritating Maze Cart/interface PCB and I was really interested in how to hook up an air compressor and trackball. Spent some time with the wiring diagram to trace out everything so I've got a pinout for the interface PCB... figured I'd share here for anyone else that might be interested:

Interface PCB JAMMA
08-Coin Counter 1
-J-Coin Counter 2
12-Video RED
-N-Video GREEN
13-Video BLUE
-P-Video SYNC
14-Video GND
-R-Service Switch
15-Test Switch
16-P1 Coin
-T-P2 Coin
17-P1 Start
-U-N/C [P2 Start]
18-Card Dispenser Vend Switch NO (Card reader pin 4) [P1 Up]
-V-Trackball X-A (XPCB Pin 1) [P2 Up]
19-N/C [P1 Down]
-W-Trackball X-B (XPCB Pin 4) [P2 Down]
20-Card Dispenser Vend Ready Signal (Card reader pin 5) [P1 Left]
-X-Trackball Y-A (YPCB Pin 1) [P2 Left]
21-Card Dispenser Jammed Signal (Card reader pin 9) [P1 Right]
-Y-Trackball Y-B (YPCB Pin 4) [P2 Right]
22-Card Dispenser Empty Signal (Card reader pin 11) [P1 SW1]
-Z-Left A Button [P2 SW1]
23-N/C [P1 SW2]
-a-Left B Button [P2 SW2]
24-N/C [P1 SW3]
-b-Right A Button [P2 SW3]
25-N/C [P1 SW4]
-c-Right B Button [P2 SW4]

Interface PCB CON2
(these outputs are controlled by transistors on the interface pcb)
The "Timer Lamps" are the ten small lamps along the bottom of the marquee
01-46AT- Timer Lamp R5
02-47AR- Timer Lamp R4
03-48AD- Timer Lamp R3
04-49AY- Timer Lamp R2
05-50AG- Timer Lamp R1
06-51AB- Timer Lamp L5
07-52AV- Timer Lamp L4
08-53AH- Timer Lamp L3
09-54AS- Timer Lamp L2
10-55AK- Timer Lamp L1
11-56AM- TrackBall Lamp

(24V power input)
01-15EP- +24V From PSU
02-13NK- GND from PSU

(Output to relay PCB)
01-66AT- Relay Board Pin9 (SSR8 coil-) (not used)
02-67AP- Relay Board Pin8 (SSR7 coil-) (not used)
03-68AD- Relay Board Pin7 (SSR6 coil-) (Air Compressor Activate) (output to an additional separate relay)
04-69AY- Relay Board Pin6 (SSR5 coil-) (Air Valve Activate)
05-70AG- Relay Board Pin5 (SSR4 coil-) (Left and Right Side Lamps)
06-71AB- Relay Board Pin4 (SSR3 coil-) (Color Lamp 2 behind marquee)
07-72AY- Relay Board Pin3 (SSR2 coil-) (Color Lamp 1 behind marquee)
08-73AH- Relay Board Pin2 (SSR1 coil-) (Flash Lamps) (output to 2 additional separate relays there are 4 flash lamps total)
09-74AS- Relay Board Pin1 (coil+ for all SSRs)
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I should also point out that the card dispenser used is an "off-the-shelf" product:
Ashi-Seiko CD-200
product page: https://www.asahiseikousa.com/products/cd-200-creditdebit-card-dispenser/
technical manual: https://confluence.laundrycard.com:...225928443/Card+Dispenser+Technical+Manual.pdf

Ideally I'd like to make a Candy Cab panel with a trackball and an air blaster (maybe some of the lamps too?)

I didn't even realize this game featured a card dispenser until I got into the wiring. that thing is kind of unwieldy in size to try to make work in a candy cab though.
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The manual says it's "optional" I'd suspect that kits never had them and only some of the dedicated cabs did.

Looking on eBay there are none available now but a few have sold for < $50 over the last few months. I'm not sure what they use for cards blanks though. looks like credit card style cards.

Irritating Maze Manual is on KLOV for anyone that's interested: https://www.arcade-museum.com/manuals-videogames/T/The Irritating Maze User Manual.pdf

According to the game manual it's just a 12 pin connector without any additional hardware:
01 - Ground (source voltage)
02 - +24V
03 - Ground (Card Dispenser Vend Switch Common)
04 - JAMMA pin 18 (Card Dispenser Vend Switch Normally Open)
05 - JAMMA pin 20 (Card Dispenser Vend Ready Signal)
06 - N/C
07 - N/C
08 - Ground (signal reference from JAMMA edge)
09 - JAMMA pin 21 (Card Dispenser Jammed Signal)
10 - N/C
11 - JAMMA pin 22 (Card Dispenser Empty Signal)
12 - N/C

What's confusing to me is all of those JAMMA connections are outputs from the card reader to the game just to let it know the status of the card dispensing function. There doesn't seem to be any indication as to how the card reader receives data to write to the card, nor any indication as to how that data is read back to the game.

Maybe these don't read/write? maybe they just spit out "prize cards"?
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If anyone out there has access to a dedicated Irritating Maze I'd be very interested to know if there are any part numbers or specs available on the Air Compressor or the Air Valve.

It'd be nice to know at least the PSI the system is designed to run at and maybe an idea of what the nozzle is shaped like.
My full kit didn't have a card reader either.

My kit contains:

PCB w/ trackball bios
Irritating Maze cart
Large Red Trackball
Wiring harnesses
So what's the minimum setup for Irritating Maze? Can I just make a custom harness to support the trackball and be done? Or is it more involved? Special BIOS?