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Apr 6, 2016
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Las Vegas
I love the Darksoft Sega ST-V Multi and would love to see a solution found for Batman Forever sound issue.

Seeing as this game needs a custom sound board, is it even possible to do something like this?

Hopefully Darksoft knows the answer and maybe the community can figure out a way to do this.

If it is possible, I'm sure it would be labor intensive so that may be the reason a solution hasn't been found.

Maybe we can start a go fund me page for whoever thinks they can do it, payable upon completion of the task...

I will throw in $25 to get this started.

What do you fellow ST-V owners think?

I’m split on this one. The Sega Saturn home console has the same hardware as the ST-V arcade board. The Saturn also has this game running with full audio with no extra sound hardware. So theoretically, it should be relatively easy to either patch the home game’s sound code into the arcade game, or even just patch the entire home game to run on the arcade board.

That said, I’ve played both versions of the game now. And the audio is ... not great. I actually enjoyed the game more without sound ironically...
The Sega Saturn home console has the same hardware as the ST-V arcade board. The Saturn also has this game running with full audio with no extra sound hardware. So theoretically, it should be relatively easy to either patch the home game’s sound code into the arcade game, or even just patch the entire home game to run on the arcade board.
This is good news.
TBH, it would be a passion project. The engineers that lend their talents to this hobby are few and far between. We'd want them going after the higher value targets. Given their limited bandwidth, I wouldn't want them going further than patching the rom if that is at all possible. The sacrifice to this approach is their time for which donations can be made. Once the solution requires hardware, then the investment is more than just time. When that happens, an ROI needs to be calculated which may just kill off the effort.

Alternatively, @ShootTheCore hints that there is the console version that is available. If that hint is coupled with the notion that interfacing consoles-to-JAMMA is a rather simple effort, then I feel that would get us to playing Batman very quickly. Plus there is the ancillary benefit of being able to play the Saturn's library on an arcade cab. Panzer Dragoon Zwei on an Astro City, how does that sound? Pretty damn cool for me. Remember, the Saturn is arcade hardware; very little is lost in the home ports that ran on STV hardware. In some cases, the home ports exceed the value of the arcade version. Keep any eye out for this thread to see what Lemony comes up with if you want to explore the console-to-JAMMA route. Also, @TheLastBandit already has a solution for console-to-JAMMA interfacing. It is pretty darn cool too.

But yeah, I am down to throw in a donation for a patched version of the rom allowing for audio.
I wouldn't want them going further than patching the rom if that is at all possible. The sacrifice to this approach is their time for which donations can be made.
I'm down to donating to see if the Saturn's Audio files can be patched into the Arcade version.

I'm not super interested in this game but I am interested in seeing This and Decathalete fully playable on the Multi for the sake of having a full game set.
... I am interested in seeing This and Decathalete fully playable on the Multi for the sake of having a full game set.
This is my main motivation as well.

I wouldn't care where the sounds come from, as long as they are there.

And I can't wait to play Decathalete. I hoping it's as much fun as Winter Heat.

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I have the Saturn version and think I've tried it...once.

I'd at least try it on the multi but I doubt I'd suddenly be into it.

For completeness sake, I'd like to see it.
Well :

I have both those games. They are in storage lol.
I have not played a stv game as yet. But batman looks interesting. So to does cotton Boomerang, steep slope sliders, winter heat, warriors of the lost dynasty and die hard. Though most of the games for stv look good.
The multi. Should get me a little further along.
We will see where we get with this fix too.
For me I am pretty excited about stv in general. I feel most are not ?

Most have had their multi for a couple years. Of course we're not as excited as someone just getting their's. :)
Hi :

Doing some investigation on the subject :

I believe in order to recreate the sounds, you would need access to the sound files on the rax sound card and or a copy of the Sega Saturn version of the software.
It looks like the main cart (Batman) uses the connection supplied to the sound card as location called ng to the audio. So no sound exists on the main cart. Sounds are housed in the roms on the audio card.
Last option is to find the roms online somewhere, any ideas on the subject please?

I think it would be nice to have the proper audio in Batman for STV.
I don't really see it as a priority however because yes the Saturn version/port exists and has the audio (and the audio isn't very good at that).