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Ok so I have an update!

I decided at some point I need to stop being a wuss and just learn to do this stuff, so I removed and reflowed a CPS1 A custom on a dead A board as practice (and got it mostly ok, plenty of bridging but I was confident if doing a reflow with existing solder rather than adding more I'd be ok) and poked around to see which pins were disconnected.

Turned out that one whole side (the right side if looking at it with the JAMMA edge on the right) and most of the bottom row were all loose. As I reflowed pins I plugged the board back in to see if I was getting results, and slowly it started waking up. At first I just had a few solid blocks that stayed on the screen, which became P's, then after I'd reflowed the whole bottom row I got what appeared to be a garbled test screen - so I started reflowing the pins on the right side and got a garbled attract mode!

Once I'd reflowed the whole right side the attract mode was running well, but still messy. There were a couple of difficult pins on the bottom row that I managed to get reflowed by applying some pressure to the chip while hitting them with the soldering iron. This took a couple of attempts (attract mode turned to garbage a couple of times after reflow) but it seems to be solid now, I've had it running for about half an hour and it's working well!

I'm going to plug it into my Astro and give it a play :)

Edit: made level 11 with no further issues, PCB is soak testing now running attract

Further edit: the sound is really quiet so I think I might delete the PX4460 package and short out that problem while I've got it

Thank you @caius @Apocalypse and @stj for your help!
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