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Jul 28, 2015
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CPS1 Hyper Fighting, Rainbow, Redwave, Kouryu, Black Belt Edition, and so on are all versions of Champion Edition with only altered program ROMs.

Why not make a module that can fit in the sockets that contain multiple amounts of space, that are selectable by dip switches.

Maybe not all the games fit, but the person might want 4 games of hi choosing or so.
Good idea. I have a SF2:CE board, and hate having to pry off the C-Board in order to switch out the EPROMs. I was thinking of taking some type of pin setup, and connecting it to some type of ribbon header. I would then have two PCBs with the three EPROMs on there. One for SF2:CE, and one for SF2:HF. If i ever wanted to switch games, I'd just switch what PCB was connected to the ribbon cable and never have to worry about damaging anything when I pull the C-Board off.
I like this idea a lot but you would really need to figure out how to keep the cost down. I wouldn't pay $100 for it. If you take it into "real money" prices I would say you need a full out multigame CPS1.