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Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
Mission Viejo, CA, USA
Hi Folks - I just picked up a pretty clean maximum tune 3 cabinet (no board)... to test the monitor I took a soul calibur board and plugged it in - and the monitor doesn't turn on, but I get a weird clicking noise...

Since this is the first time hookup up a JVS cabinet - maybe I am doing something wrong? I am very used to JAMMA cabinets.


Hi Matt,

Just in case, Soul Calibur is a weird JVS game because it only outputs 15khz.

The clic is also known to be something related to resolution, so maybe your Maximum tune cab is 31Khz only, and it's just that simple ? Did you try anything to feed your screen with a 31Khz signal ? (with like a Naomi or a Dreamcast with VGA)
Interesting - I actually didn't know that! But I had tried with other games as well, and no input signal.

From what I gathered from some other threads, this is the HV supply protection circuit kicking in - could be a capacitor or the flyback transformer.

It's at the shop being looked at!

Thanks for the reply.

KW606A chassis / PFX i'd say? I cannot really tell from the video.
These are auto sync, it could be the sync circuit or relay clicking as well. Hope all turns out okay!
(I have two of these in NNC cabs and they produce great pictures at 15/31 Khz)
It was the flyback transformer - it's being replaced right now.... hopefully I will get it back in a week!

My electronic repair guy couldn't find a flyback transformer for it, so I will keep looking for it, or for a chassis for the 29PFX - it's a KW0606A.