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The problem is not many people own a Mega Tech. Sadly, it wouldn't be cost effective to make just a few boards.
surely the everdrive must be able to work some sort of BIOS magic here to get multigame on the mega-tech
I want a Namco System 11 and 12 multi. He doesn't seem thrilled about that one either. :(
Namco System 11 and System 12 have keycustom chips (aka protection key custom chips).

Someone was talking about SEGA System 16 multi too, but again those have protection MCUs, just like (all of) the NAMCO hardware.

You probably aware that NAMCO and KONAMI hardware are not as bad with piracy as are SEGA/CAPCOM and other companies. Due to the complexity of their protections, NAMCO and KONAMI were usually tough nuts to chew for bootleggers. That means making multi carts for their hardware will be extremely difficult.
I have to ask because I don't know...
Aren't MegaTech carts not jut like MegaDrive or Genesis ones? Isn't it just an Eprom and 2 caps in there?
If so, I have custom pcbs that work great for the home console.
Can someone post a picture of the guts of a MT cart?

found this: http://www.jammaplus.co.uk/forum/fo...e-1-how-to-make-a-custom-megatech-game-4mbits
Go buy some Eproms and cheap jp games, I can recreate and provide a print-template for the label if you ask nicely ;)
Someone was talking about SEGA System 16 multi too, but again those have protection MCUs, just like (all of) the NAMCO hardware.

That was me :)
System 16B versions of mcu-less games exist. True, there are some 8751 protected games, but these are also available w/o MCU.
When i got my eprom burner back in the day, i romswapped a lot of them with no issues. All the custom 68000 cpu roms are available (freely) for generic, non-encrypted 68k :)