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Jul 1, 2018
Reaction score
Northern, VA
Sup guys,

I finally pulled the trigger on a decent yellow rental B board from a guy in Texas. Its scruffy looking X-Men vs Street Fighter board Japanese version 961004. It's my first one, and the guy said the battery is still good but unknown of the battery change. Not sure if it is a phoenix board or not. I am so excited and bless to get it at a good deal. Total price shipped was $156.75. Not sure if this was a good price or a decent one. What do you guys think of the price? It was purchased from a gentlemen on Ebay. I am willing to replace the capacitors if they need it as any refurbishing the board may need. I am still on the hunt for a Alien vs Predator as this was a favorite growing up in the arcades on St. Croix in the 90's

I'd call it a pretty good deal for a working A+B, but I don't watch prices as much as most people on this board. If it's on battery, it's not phoenixed. But if you're intending to use it for the multi, you're going to need to yank the battery (and all the roms for that matter) anyway... which people used to kinda frown upon, but now that key writing is a thing seems to be far less frowned upon generally.
IMHO ... the rev 4 it's not what you want for multi even if that revision working too . if you can try to get a REV 6 or 7 board to avoid the extra operations when you must mount the DS multi kit for the CPS2 system. Cheers ^^

ps : that game have PAL F on the board and you don't want that (the board it's rev. 4 and you need to solder some extra wires + you must change the stock PAL F with a custom PAL G chip)

These infos helps you to configure much easier your Multigame if you have one or if you intend to grab on in the future.

Japan Release (that rental B board infos) Filename: xmvsfjr1.zip Revision: 961004 - REV.4 with PAL F xvsj.03i 524288 ef24da96 Code xvsj.04i 524288 70a59b35 Code
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I'd call it a pretty good deal for a working A+B, but I don't watch prices as much as most people on this board. If it's on battery, it's not phoenixed. But if you're intending to use it for the multi, you're going to need to yank the battery (and all the roms for that matter) anyway... which people used to kinda frown upon, but now that key writing is a thing seems to be far less frowned upon generally.
It is only the B board brother.
I'd call it a pretty good deal for a working A+B, but I don't watch prices as much as most people on this board. If it's on battery, it's not phoenixed. But if you're intending to use it for the multi, you're going to need to yank the battery (and all the roms for that matter) anyway... which people used to kinda frown upon, but now that key writing is a thing seems to be far less frowned upon generally.
It is only the B board brother.
Oof. Maybe less good then. Yellow A boards aren't exactly common. Hope it works out for that gray one I linked you.
I am going to get that gray one but I am having problems with the forum rules for donating with paypal.
Yellow A boards aren't exactly common.
You don't need a specific yellow A board. Rental boards work with regular A boards (Euro, US and Japan).

Gray (Asia) and orange boards (South America) are the ones to look out for.
Whoops my bad, didn't realize since I see the yellows so rarely. Thanks!
Finally got back home from holiday break. I cracked open my yellow B board and man was it filthy. Check out the photos guys.
Also in the third photo is that a legit component soldered in R2? Any advice on how to properly clean the board? I looked up and handful of youtube videos. But guys have all kinds of practices and applications that I am not comfortable with seeing that this is my first CPS2 board.

Wow. I'd stick the plastics in the dishwasher and soak the board in germ killing alcohol or some desinfectant. That's years of Hanta dust and dead stuff on there :(
Wow. I'd stick the plastics in the dishwasher and soak the board in germ killing alcohol or some desinfectant. That's years of Hanta dust and dead stuff on there :(
what kind of alcohol do you suggest? I have already washed and wiped down the plastic case. I will be on the hunt for anybody on the forum that can recreate the sticker as well.
I wash my boards down with Simple Green (multipurpose cleaner) and use a soft toothbrush to clean in between pins and sockets

Keep in mind this will suicide the board since it will short the battery which you should be removing before cleaning anyway.

Are you planning on converting this into a CPS2 multi or keeping it the way it is? If going for a multi it comes with a really nice sticker so no need to replace the original one
I washed mines with simple green and some hot pressure water boom you all set :D the casing that is.

My A/B board i got air cans and took the dust off and grabbed a soft toothbrush and spray some simple green on the toothbush and clean the spots where the dust was left on and then hit it with air cans again and again.
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The case I would hose down with some dish soap and water. I really wouldn't go to far with the PCB though. Just use some compressed air and a brush to remove the dirt. The only reason I see to deep clean that board is if there was some rat shit/piss on it.
I washed mines with simple green and some hot pressure water boom you all set :D
Roger that I am on it. I got some simple green in the garage along with some soft automobile detail brushes.
Hey guys good thing I haven't cleaned the board yet with any liquid. Got my multi meter out, and tested the battery. It had 3.7 volts and basically still full. Probably going to get my air compressor fired up and just use a toothbrush and compressed air to clean until I figure out a way not to short the board while cleaning. I know I can remove the battery and clean it but I don't have any flux at the house laying around.
I wash my boards down with Simple Green (multipurpose cleaner) and use a soft toothbrush to clean in between pins and sockets

Keep in mind this will suicide the board since it will short the battery which you should be removing before cleaning anyway.

Are you planning on converting this into a CPS2 multi or keeping it the way it is? If going for a multi it comes with a really nice sticker so no need to replace the original one
I am not planning on going the CPS2 multi Darksoft route yet. I want to restore the board with a good cleaning. Clean up the yellow B board, and get a replacement sticker for the board.
Got two more boards with their associated A boards. I cleaned them all up and tested all three batteries.
