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Nov 6, 2017
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Mission Viejo, CA, USA
I have just put in a WMMT2 cabinet at my work - and I managed to stumble upon a brand new Sanwa P29FX - so the picture is perfect.... I have the card reader set up, and I have it set to Free Play.

Here is the question.

This came was made in 2004-2005. Game Developers are well aware at this point about screen burn-in. Why oh why would they do a couple of blatant things in attract mode that will burn-in on the screen?!

1) Free Play (in white) constantly is illuminated in the bottom right - all the time, except for actual game time
2) if no cards are present - right in the middle of the screen there is displayed a yellow box with the words "No new cards can be purchased" - again, on all the time except for actual game time

I just can't for the life of me figure out why they would to this? Over time - these will burn in. The rest of the screens change between different scenes enough that w/o these two, I think the chance of burn-in would be very low.

While I agree with you and hate that, I think no one cared back then. It's a game that goes on location a year or three and then gets replaced. Who cares about the screen? (that's the thought process)
^ this. On top of that if the screen gets burn in bad enough to be replaced while still making money on location, they sell the operator another brand new very expensive arcade monitor
OK X( As a developer in my past life, this just seems criminal.... but I get it.
In home use this is a non issue though. You need thousands of hours for burn in to appear. I have clocked at least 4000 hours on my F-Zero cab. I still see no sign of the free play text on a white screen.

It probably helps if you don't have brightness cranked up to the max.
Yep - agreed... although this cabinet is in my break room at work - so it will be on 24x7. I think I will hook up a switch to the coin mech so I can go out of “free play” and see if I can keep cards in the device to get rid of the other one...