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Aug 24, 2015
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Here's my latest project! Just finished up, and completed in record time (just over 6 months! Don't ask!).


I initially picked up the TTX unit for parts (classic 'does not rise' google translation), planning to use the JVS I/O in a TTX2 build.
Just for fun I booted it up and made it to the Bios screen, so that was much further than I expected.

IMG_0815.JPG IMG_0827.JPG D4574837-09F0-4120-9DDE-3E155FE61F51.jpg

Once cleaned up and with a new PSU I had everything booting reliably... and thanks to @Niko & @rtw in the TTX multi thread I had all the games too :thumbup:
Up next... Taito Type X Upgrades. So now we're up to a P4 3GHz CPU, 2GB Ram, 9600Pro 256 graphics card and SSD, all for very little money and a little time on eBay.

IMG_0988.jpg IMG_0989.jpg IMG_0990.jpg

As I am not the proud owner of any actual arcade units I opted to squeeze in a Sega 838-13683-93 JVS Jamma I/O with some standard DB15 controller ports.
Incidentally, DVI and DB15 ports are almost the exact same dimensions, and S-video cutouts are the perfect size for a 12mm service button.

index.jpg IMG_0967.jpg IMG_1327.jpg

Finally I smartened up the TTX top plate with a coat of spray paint (by far the most frustrating part of the process) and topped that with a reproduction metal game cover by @hursit.
Colours inspired by the TTX Zero and TTX2 trade show prototypes <3 (Matt clear coat for the case top, Gloss clear coat for the hdd cover).

Finishing touches? Just a vertically mounted LCD screen for the shooters :thumbsup: Thanks for looking!
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Wow, that's an amazing job you did. You put a LOT of work into that!
Holy smokes! 8o 8o :thumbup:

I had the same idea in mind with my X3 but I'm in no rush to complete it. I noticed you used a dual slot PCI bracket for your DB15 controller ports, was that on purpose or did you not have a single slot bracket on hand?
Sexy, I had a similar idea for normal arcade games, have two towers like x68k, mount the PCB I play reg in on, in the other tower put in the supergun, clean controller ports and link it using Frank's cables, I might take a lot of inspiration from this build ;D
Thanks I appreciate the kind words!

I noticed you used a dual slot PCI bracket for your DB15 controller ports, was that on purpose or did you not have a single slot bracket on hand?
I started with a single slot bracket, but it was too flexible. The dual slot is secured with two screws and is much more rigid when plugging in controllers.

Sexy, I had a similar idea for normal arcade games, have two towers like x68k, mount the PCB I play reg in on, in the other tower put in the supergun, clean controller ports and link it using Frank's cables, I might take a lot of inspiration from this build ;D
Love the look of the X68000 towers! Sounds great!

Nice consolization!
Honoured :thumbsup:

Wow, nice job on this!
One of the few projects I actually feel is complete. Thanks!
Absolutely awesome consolization! I'm working on something very similar with my X2 and couldn't believe when I stumbled upon your extremely helpful write-up.

The only question I have relates to the wiring for your player controls from the Sega Rev. B board. It looks like you've wired player 1 (DB15 closest to the service button) with +5V and ground along with buttons 6 and 7 from the 14-pin JST header and everything else from the Jamma edge. Similarly, you've wired player 2 (DB15 furthest from the service button) with +5V and buttons 6 and 7 from the 14-pin JST header and everything else (including ground) from the Jamma edge. In the photo you have your sweet Neo Geo stick plugged in, but does your wiring work well with 6-button games? If so, I presume the JP1 jumper on the Sega I/O is in position A. Is that correct?

Apologies if my question is a bit basic and demonstrates my limited knowledge. Thanks in advance for any additional info you may have. And, again, congrats on the great consolization.
No problem @Bluetear always happy to share.

I'll say you already have everything worked out. I have the jumper in Position A and I'm guessing you are familiar with the pinout from Arcade Otaku?
+5v and Gnd I just sourced where convenient when running the ribbon cables.

As for buttons 5-7, they are wired and 'functional', but I am not actually sure if any TTX(1) titles that are 6-button?
I just wired then as a matter of course - if the TTX2 is anything like the Naomi (I hope not!) then different games may have different requirements wrt layout.
You may need to test and see how things work out.

Have you considered integrating something like a RECO by @RGB? There are some options now that will allow for input remapping...
No problem @Bluetear always happy to share.

I'll say you already have everything worked out. I have the jumper in Position A and I'm guessing you are familiar with the pinout from Arcade Otaku?
+5v and Gnd I just sourced where convenient when running the ribbon cables.

As for buttons 5-7, they are wired and 'functional', but I am not actually sure if any TTX(1) titles that are 6-button?
I just wired then as a matter of course - if the TTX2 is anything like the Naomi (I hope not!) then different games may have different requirements wrt layout.
You may need to test and see how things work out.

Have you considered integrating something like a RECO by @RGB? There are some options now that will allow for input remapping...
Thanks for the quick response and helpful confirmation, @nam9. I think you're right about the lack of 5+ button TTX(1) games. I had previously taken a look at the Arcade Otaku pinout, but I always like to see it working in practice to confirm the information. RGB's RECO would be nice to incorporate, but may not be essential as I believe the X2 games do employ a consistent mapping. Your post has been hugely helpful and I look forward to sharing my similar consolization as soon as it's done. It's taken longer than I had originally anticipated, which seems to be true of many of my ongoing projects.
These are TTX(1) stickers @werejag.
I modified an X2 logo I found online and got them printed through StickerApp/StickerMule or some equivalent. If you need an X1 logo then I have spare. If it’s an X2 then I’ll check where I ordered and what spec I used.
Here's my latest project! Just finished up, and completed in record time (just over 6 months! Don't ask!).


I initially picked up the TTX unit for parts (classic 'does not rise' google translation), planning to use the JVS I/O in a TTX2 build.
Just for fun I booted it up and made it to the Bios screen, so that was much further than I expected.

IMG_0815.JPG IMG_0827.JPG D4574837-09F0-4120-9DDE-3E155FE61F51.jpg

Once cleaned up and with a new PSU I had everything booting reliably... and thanks to @Niko & @rtw in the TTX multi thread I had all the games too :thumbup:
Up next... Taito Type X Upgrades. So now we're up to a P4 3GHz CPU, 2GB Ram, 9600Pro 256 graphics card and SSD, all for very little money and a little time on eBay.

IMG_0988.jpg IMG_0989.jpg IMG_0990.jpg

As I am not the proud owner of any actual arcade units I opted to squeeze in a Sega 838-13683-93 JVS Jamma I/O with some standard DB15 controller ports.
Incidentally, DVI and DB15 ports are almost the exact same dimensions, and S-video cutouts are the perfect size for a 12mm service button.

index.jpg IMG_0967.jpg IMG_1327.jpg

Finally I smartened up the TTX top plate with a coat of spray paint (by far the most frustrating part of the process) and topped that with a reproduction metal game cover by @hursit.
Colours inspired by the TTX Zero and TTX2 trade show prototypes <3 (Matt clear coat for the case top, Gloss clear coat for the hdd cover).

Finishing touches? Just a vertically mounted LCD screen for the shooters :thumbsup: Thanks for looking!
Very nice Supergun like build for controls , Does this card is a Nami jvs ?