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Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
Gold Coast, Australia
Hi guys,
I'm finishing up a repair/desuicide on a Super Turbo where the battery exploded, and one of the mask ROMs was taken out as a result. The board is now booting and running, obviously with graphics glitches related to the missing data. I've got the correct revision downloaded but I'm now needing to burn a couple of replacement mask ROMs and I need to confirm the replacement types.

I'm assuming that most of these are 16Mbit (2mb) 27C160 compatible, so those ones aren't too difficult. Not sure of the correct type to use for the 8Mbit mask ROMs though. I'm assuming 27C800? Or can I get away with doubling these and using a 27C160?

Super SF2X Japan

Need to replace ROMs 11, 12 and 20
Answered my own question and used 2x 27C160 for 11 and 12 and a 27C800 for 20

Still some issues but the board boots and runs. All mask ROMs have come back ok but the scroll layer is a mess.