Recent content by Foysel7ali

  1. F

    Vewlix C - PS5 Hitbox Modernisation

    Hi All I'm just going to drop this image here as I don't know how the community will react... Havn't seen this done before.. Full write up soon!
  2. F

    FS Vewlix Universal Monitor Mount

    Woah that's cool I need to check out Cave seen it in a lot of cabs recently! Never played the system myself
  3. F

    FS Vewlix Universal Monitor Mount

    @FrancoB Many thanks received yesterday and installed last night couldn't wait for weekend! Vewlix is still being upgraded but finally have that nice new screen and PS5 linked up :) thank you again it's a brilliant engineering solution!
  4. F

    FS Vewlix Universal Monitor Mount

    Thank you very much for the effort! Much appreciated I've been getting similar sleep recently with two young kids - but closer to 30%!
  5. F

    FS Vewlix Universal Monitor Mount

    Hi @FrancoB hope you had a good Bank Holiday weekend.. Any updates for batch 3 production/shipping? Apologies for my eagerness.. I finally managed to move the Vewlix from garage up into my room.. After a good (scrub and clean) now it's sitting there with no screen.. staring at me every night 😭
  6. F

    FS Vewlix Universal Monitor Mount

    Hi @FrancoB thanks for the update.. Glad I managed to get in on Batch 3 just in time. Appreciate your help so far via email great communication. Can't wait to get stuck in with the kit. I've ordered my new Monitor too so hopefully both should arrive in good time.
  7. F

    Hello from the UK

    Hi All, recently bought a Vewlic C to consolize and have started a bartop arcade project for the kids. Great to be part of the community. Thanks for having me. Foysel